Disney Removes Failed 'Lightyear' Film From Streaming Platform

Comments for Disney Removes Failed ‘Lightyear’ Film From Streaming Platform

Buzz Lightyear Poster on the left and Buzz Lightyear Movie Moment on the right; (Chris Evans) in 'Lightyear'

Credit: Inside the Magic


  1. RicardoDartist

    First huge red flag: Tim Allen is the voice of Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story franchise and even though he was able and willing to be part of this movie he said that his phone never rung. With no love for the original story this version was a poor excuse to introduce current political agendas to children and those who fell in love with Toy Story. But that’s not all, Buzz ends up becoming the villain of the story instead of the hero… Who wants to pay to see that unless one hated the original charecter in the first place!
    (And yes, I saw the movie so I could speak with knowledge and was really sad they changed everything just to satisfied their agenda!)

    1. Qwerty

      What political agenda oh lord you’re so annoying

      1. WW

        No. He is not. You are a blind moron though

      2. Concern Citizens

        Get off ur moms teat and open your eyes… I think Disney needs to go broke… They did this to themselves, Not Governor DeSantis

        1. Incredibly misled management decision. Sexualizing children’s toys? Disney has lost its way. The world is not interested in installing LGTBQ++++ into non-LBGTQ++++ family or personal settings. It’s not a hate issue, which is the way it has been pushed upon the general public. These things all have a place in reality, but they are not interchangeable. It is complete ignorance of nature & denial of reality.
          There was an audience who watched AND APPRECIATED the film. Most didn’t watch. Many did and still didn’t fund anything in common with its values. Square pegs don’t fit in Rainbow holes. So is true for the opposite. This is two platforms trying to be forced into one.

        2. Rac

          Lol Disney is still nowhere near going broke!

      3. Stop licking the short bus windows. You only have so much intelligence in that peanut of yours and by your comment we can tell your burning through it pretty fast. Don’t forget to put your helmet and orange vest on before you go outside.

      4. Allan

        Ou must be one of bidens queers.

    2. Josh

      Agree. Big corporations like Disney just don’t seem to get it. Family cartoons are supposed to be simple, family fun, which leaves the personal and political views at bay, so we can leave the real world for a couple of hours and enjoy some light-hearted family entertainment. Maybe in lieu of Bud Light and Target’s recent tone-deaf issues, corporations like Disney will wake up.

      1. Daniel

        Seems like you’re the tone deaf one. Target did nothing wrong but give in to a bunch of “snowflakes” and pull their merchandise. So what if they want to sell clothing to a group of people you don’t belong to? Stores have been doing it for years during Pride month including Target. It’s only because of hateful bigots have been more open to being hateful bigots that stirred it up. And with the political climate of so much hate from one side that has gained power through their hate, it’s becoming a nightmare. Target chose to listen and be open to reaching different groups of people. It’s not hurting you. Those who want to call them out and be hateful to the group they are reaching out to are the ones who are tone deaf to their own hatred and hurt they are causing.

        1. Drew

          Nice try snowflake. Calling someone else by your earned designation proves how much it is on target. These corporations have the right to market and sell to whomever they like. By the same token we have the right to spend our money where we want. What you are seeing is the not so silent majority flexing their financial muscles. You don’t antagonize the majority of your customers to satisfy some ridiculous dei score or to pander to a minuscule part of the population. Virtue signaling is biting these companies where it hurts, in loss of revenue.

          1. Drews A. C.U.N.T.


          2. Mark

            Nice response Drew👍. I agree. Target sold “tuck ready” clothes and a line of clothes owned by a Satan supporter. Bud Light teamed up with a dude transitioning to a GIRL, not a woman, a GIRL. Of course the country got upset.

        2. You're fooling no one

          No. It’s because most people draw a line when you demand that children be involved.
          But just keep spewing your nonsense. No one is listening or cares anymore. Literally everyone can see though the pathetic excuses and strawmen.

        3. Ron

          Hate from both sides.

          Fixed it for you

        4. Ron

          Hate from both sides.

          Fixed it for you.

        5. daniel denise

          Well danny, it looks like you’re spewing an awful lot of hate and being a bigot yourself.

        6. WW

          Wake up. Pedo supporter, use your brain for something other than spout propaganda for once in your life. Do you even know what thinking your own thoughts feel like? Btw, that is a rhetorical question. We all know you need to be told by others what to think, feel, like, dislike. Basically every aspect of your sad, pathetic excuse of a “life” is not your own.

          1. Eatadick

            Says the moron spewing the same sheepish bs that is drooled out of right wing cesspits “your the bigot…GROOMER” you instantly lose credibility the second you call someone LGBT a pedo. By the way look up Republicans arrested for SA on a minor you would be suprised to see who the real groomers are

        7. Allan

          Homo much!

        8. Hutch

          So, you support selling Satanism to young children then? Because that’s what Target was doing, you clown!

      2. Rac

        Highly doubt it. Disney is one of the biggest companies in the world. It’s going to take more than a few box office bombs to effect them.

    3. Daniel

      I never saw it (although I want to see it, just haven’t had the time and have lots of other things I want to see), the fact that this was supposed to be the real story behind the character that became the toy makes me think they wanted a different voice to distinguish that they were two different characters. The Buzz in Toy Story was based off of a cartoon/movie (we saw it in the original movie as he realized he wasn’t real). Since this was supposed to be the real person behind that cartoon/movie it would be a different person altogether, thus a different voice. Beyond that, what agenda? What agenda is introduced by changing the voice actor?

      1. Jay K

        Uh huh. Says a guy from the side that openly hates on white people, Christians, and screams, just as you did, “BIGOTRY!” because we absolutely don’t need this garbage in children’s movies. Target did nothing wrong? No, they didn’t. They were just trying to make money, right? Well it seems the majority of America spoke up with their wallets this time, or the lack their of. Same with Anheuser Busch. Call us what you want. It makes no difference to me because you’re just generalizing based off of, well, nothing. You don’t know me, my wife, my kids, my parents, my friends, my neighbors… you just like to call us names to make yourself feel better, and let’s be honest, we both know how hypocritical you sound in your comment as well. I guess what I’m trying to say is, suck it up, buttercup. And we all know the Snowflake term is used for you y’all. Stop projecting.

    4. Mel

      I LOVED this movie, love Toy Story as well and would rather associate Chris Evans with Buzz than Tim Allen. Chris had nothing but praise for Tim and all Tim could do was say nasty things about the movie. Also, the movie is still on Disney + in Canada thankfully!

      1. Rac

        It’s still on Disney+ in America too!

    5. Hani

      I mean technically the movie was based on a completely different buzz, more likely the og i guess. Not the toy story buzz. Who is a toy. Of which millions of him exist anyways so you cant complain about tim allen and not following toy story’s story.

      I thought chris evans killed it and the movie was pretty good overall but i wouldnt have watched it in theaters. And i agree with you in that, would i have personally liked a buzz from toy story movie over this? Yea for sure

    6. Mike

      They changed nothing as this was supposedly the film that Andy saw and loved and why he had the toy. It was Disney’s fault however in not making that clear to it’s audience which led to its failure to find said audience. The Buzz Lightyear of Toy Story remains as he was. Also the film did not have a political agenda beyond an attempt at inclusiveness which most people do not have a problem with. If they did, the characters would have been different. It’s about profits, not politics.

    7. CrosswalkX

      By the way for your information Tim Allen did not always voice Buzz Lightyear, he had other actors voice Buzz Lightyear by Pat Fraley (1996) who voiced in the Disney Animated Storybook Toy Story 1995 PC game. Patrick Warburton (2000-2001) For the Buzz Lightyear of Star Command TV series. Javier Fernandez-Peña (Spanish mode) Mike MacRae (2010-present), Corey Burton (2010) and Chris Evans in Lightyear 2022. So Tim Allen being replaced by Chris Evans had nothing to do with the Lightyear 2022 flop. It was other factors one which I didn’t like in the Lightyear film was having future older Buzz Lightyear becoming Emperor Zurg and how dark and serious the movie was and not much jokes which was a big mistake.

  2. Rac

    I just checked and Lightyear is still on Disney plus…

  3. Razor

    I don’t view movies for their political views or anything like that. I just like cartoon movies in general and I loved the character Sox.

  4. Josh

    I find it extremely interesting how news articles that refer to the flop of Lightyear largely fail to note that the number one reason for the box office failure revolves around people who refused to let their kids be indoctrinated for political reasons. Instead, they focus on the differences in Buzz, for how the storyline failed in its connection to the original storyline. No one I spoke with cited either of those reasons for not going to see the movie. Rather, the many parents I spoke with refused to let their children watch the movie due to the same sex parents portrayed in the children’s cartoon. In light of the Bud Light and Target controversies, one would think this would be clear and evident.

    1. Rac

      Well tons of people I know cited the differences in Buzz’s voice and the bland/boring story as their reasons for not wanting to see it.

  5. Josh

    It’s crazy to me that most of the articles written about the flop of the movie Lightyear, focus on the voice for Buzz, for the confusing tie-in with this movie to the Toy Story movies, rather than speak about the obvious elephant in the room…
    I spoke with a large number of parents from different social interactions, and the common reason they were not going to see this movie, in theaters for streaming, was due to Disney’s insistence on including the same-sex couple in the animated picture.

  6. you should never do that Because that’s illegal to remove movies out of state

  7. Stephan

    I watched the movie and it really surprised me how great it was. It would be a real pity if it was removed.

  8. Wilbur

    I’ve seen this movie twice and reading the post about it being controversial due to the sexual orientation of a character had me perplexed. I really had to think hard like, who was gay in this film? Which made me think, how childish! People were mad about something I couldn’t even remember being in the film. It was such a minuscule part of the movie. People really are afraid of anything and anyone different.

    1. Jay K

      No. We’re not. The majority of people just don’t agree with it. It’s really that simple.

      1. Qwerty

        Fact: there are more gay people in the world then the number of people who didn’t see this movie because it was gay. Get it through your head, you are not a majority. Bare back mountain crushed it. And target only pulled it’s gay pride crap out of stores in communities full of bigots, be aur surprise! They weren’t selling. But surprise, that doesn’t mean gay people aren’t in those communities, it just means some of y’all don’t think they deserve shelf space.

        1. Brian

          No, you’re missing the point about Lightyear and the Target boycott targeting children. No one cares what adults choose to do, but stop insisting on forcing sexually related topics on kids. That’s what really starts to piss parents off, and it’s a super creepy and disgusting thing to do.

      2. Rac

        Actually every recent statistic shows that the majority of Americans support gay marriage even in statistics don’t by conservatives.

        1. Rac


  9. That actually really shocks me. I thought the movie was amazing. It has such a feel of adventure! And a taste of science fiction. He reminds me of a commander for a star ship in Star Trek. Both of my kids have watched it a handful of times. I really enjoyed it as an adult, minus the sad parts. But I understand that’s there to help the audience build a connection with the characters. Anyways, I’m shocked to hear the movie didn’t get a good wrap. I feel like it will be worth it to get on DVD, if it does officially get removed from the streaming platform.

  10. Mattias Johannessen

    Once again we have bulletproof evidence that physical media like Bluray still remain and will always remain the far superior medium for movies and series. Cannot physically remove the disc purchased from a local shop just because they feel entitled to supposedly make cuts to their expenditures.

  11. Kelly

    It’s not even removed so the guy who wrote this is blowing smoke up his, well you know.

  12. Paul W

    Yup, the biggest mistake of that movie was not bringing back Tim Allen. I’m sure the movie would have done much better just with that one voice replacement.

    1. Mike

      You may be right about that but it wasn’t Tim Allen’s character. Allen’s character was the toy based on the character in Lightyear.

  13. David

    I did enjoy the main story of this movie, but having Buzz himself be the villan instead of Zurg, was disappointing to me. There should’ve been more continuity with the original films, and even that prequel & TV show from the Disney channel. And, I appreciate Disney including DEI characters.

  14. Allan

    Who wants to go see some gross gay character, hope Disney goes broke.

  15. Mia

    Um no I just checked lightyear is still there

  16. Skye

    I hope Disney Plus does not go broke. I still like Disney Plus it’s only the gay parts very pretty shocking and shouldn’t have been on film especially if was made for children. Please quit removing our favorites or else it’s pointless to pay for Disney Plus anyway.

    1. Rac

      Don’t worry they’re still nowhere near going “broke”. And the film wasn’t actually removed from Disney+.

  17. kevin

    Without Tim Allen, and what’s his face as buzz instead, I wasn’t going to bother to see it. I’m tired of looking through 20-30 movies and seeing the same 3-5 actors. I’m not saying they can’t act out they’re range seems to be limited to goofy/campy/wacky roles which is fine for comedy, but for movies that have more human moments that they aren’t a good fit for, there they are anyway.

  18. zedetach

    That one gay character completely destroyed the film as the world is just not ready for such stuff.

  19. Bettina

    It’s really sad to see Lightyear catch so much heat when it turned out to be such a great movie!! I was so sceptic before seeing it worried it ruin my childhood but I gave it the benefit of the doubt for my 2yo and in the end we BOTH LOVED IT!! I even dressed both my babies up as Buzz & Socks for Halloween haha! Looking past all the controversies, it was a great family movie with its heartfelt messages, action and laughs!! It gets a 10 from my home and we hope Disney+ can leave it be.

  20. Scott

    It lost money obviousreasons The elephant in the room. Most people don’t want their children To watch stuff like that. Walt disney certainly wouldn’t have Wanted to.

  21. Rac

    lol that will never happen!

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