DC Studios Buries Ezra Miller's The Flash

Comments for DC Studios Buries Ezra Miller’s The Flash

Ezra Miller as The Flash

Credit: Warner Bros.


  1. Carlo olic

    Enough with the pronouns. Ezra is a make and he is a man

    1. Jarrad

      “he” is a pronoun. Wanna try again?

      1. Douglas Moss

        If you didn’t understand what the poster was saying, you are the one with the problem. If you did and are trying to be snarky, you are still the one with the problem. The fact is that words have a meaning that is agreed upon by those who use a language. Gendercreeps don’t get to just unilaterally decide to change the meaning of words and force normal people to adhere to their delusions. We normal people do not agree with your attempts to change our language. A person with “XY” chromosomes and who was born with a wee-wee is a “he”, even when he is crazy.

    2. Ezra

      Just cancel this pedophile already….product of the alphabet community….

      1. Christopher Woods

        I don’t think there was any evidence of Miller being a pedo and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t been convicted of anything like that. But you go ahead and jump on the bandwagon with everyone else who doesn’t bother to look at the facts.

        1. Lorrie Little

          Even if he wasn’t convicted and I’m not surprised that he wasn’t convicted in this double standard society he was still filmed strangling a woman and throwing her on the ground. That’s why I’m not seeing this movie or any movie this new DCU is putting out.

        2. Tsubame

          Yea..alot of people just assume it because the implications of the living situation he was in, and the allegations.

        3. DeLaun

          …yeah-that video of Miller slapping down that women was simply a “deep fake”….

      2. George

        Don’t scream so loud people might think you have something to hide

    3. Duncan

      Yup, a HE all the way. Ezra should have been dropped long ago. He’s a disgusting guy.

  2. CaseyD

    Not a chance I will ever pay money to see a movie Ezra Miller is attached to. This is precisely what piracy is for! 😊

    1. Lorrie Little

      Even if you don’t go to the movies to see Flash, you are still supporting miller by watching it at movie

      1. Lorrie Little

        Home not movie

        1. Duncan

          Lol, how is he supporting Ezra if he’s pirating the media? I swear, some ppl…

  3. Joetuesday420

    He is a disaster for warmer bros. It’s messed up that he may end up keeping his role as the flash after all this and all the rest of the dceu lost their roles. Btw he is he

    1. CT

      He definitely needs canceled. Grant Gustin needs to take over the role of the Flash for the DCEU

    2. Lorrie Little

      I will never go see anything with erza miller in it. Even if they are trying to bury him with putting in Keaton and Affleck,who I think is a horrible batman. You can’t erase Miller’s behavior saying “Oh I found out I have a mental problem but I’m getting help, so sorry for any trouble I may have caused ” however he’s well enough to star in the Flash. Give me a break

      1. Bishhii

        We get it sis… yet here you are taking your sweet time to comment several times on this post. Like stay off the net if you so pressed

  4. Farai Chiwandire

    I will be watching The Flash and supporting Ezra. I will not give up on Ezra just because people say I should. Everyone deserves a chance and I am willing to give them the opportunity at redemption.

    1. Brian

      HIM. Ezra Miller is one MALE person. It’s HIM, not THEM.

      1. Mike

        Cancel culture should b canceled. What happend to having different ideas, beliefs, and way of thinking. If u don’t agree with the masses “cancel.” I feel sorry for u close minded 1 way thinkers. Go ahead cancel me. I ain’t even talking to u 1 minded freaks n e way.

      2. Mike

        WB Is looking for an excuse as to why this might Bomb? How about you do what Disney did make a plan stick to it. Better yet satay away from sequels. You are no good at it!! Especially in the comic book movies.

    2. Charlie Holcombe

      Google “Ezra Miller crimes,” you’ll have pages and pages of reasons not to support that human scum, and he lost the privilege to be called what he wanted when he did things like grooming a 13 year old girl and choking a random woman for confronting him.

    3. HunterMB

      I think Ezra should be allowed another chance after taking care of himself. If he isn’t ready to return then he shouldn’t push himself. Nothing and noone is more important than his mental stability. He is an amazing actor, I hope he knows his fans are supporting him during his time of self-care. I hope he does make a come back to The Flash, he did a wonderful job as his previous characters and I have a lot of respect for the guy. We don’t know what he’s going through mentally, we can only hope for the best. Just remember who does the real work here.

      1. HeHim

        Sorry bud, mental illness doesn’t give him a pass on child grooming and DEFINITELY worse. I have a hard time believing he went that far without going further my guess, we just don’t know about it. The attacks and whatnot sure we don’t know. Most people here seem to be skating by the child stuff and cultists behavior while defending the violent tendencies.

        1. Lorrie Little

          Agreed he needs to be held accountable. Mental illness or not

      2. Lorrie Little

        WOW I shouldn’t be surprised by your comment but I am. He deserves a chance. Do we have proof he’s seeking help or are we supposed to take his word for it from a bully who hurts those who are weaker. He Conveniently has mental problems problems when it came time to facing his actions. Many people claim to have a mental problem when facing a judge. I have been in the mental field for 38 years even worked in a State Mental Hospital. Miller is just a nasty bully who preys on innocent people

        1. Bob G. Khan

          For all of you defending Miller, should we give other pedos like Epstein and Trump another chance?

          Just because someone aligns with you politically, it doesn’t mean you need to continue to support that person. Bad people are just bad people.

    4. Jodie

      I agree. He was unwell and now he’s stable. Many other stars had a mental break and got better. He’s not violent he’s got a health condition that wasn’t being treated.

      1. Will

        He is violent, that’s a fact. Ezra did mess around with a child, another fact. Why do you give him pass just because he is mentally sick? There’s no second chance when it involves children. A child was sexually touched. 13 years old. Why do you forgive this?

    5. Bob

      Good to know that you don’t care that he preys and beats women.
      Would be nice to see how you feel after being whacked on the side of your head with a chair.

    6. R.J. Allen

      “A chance “? I certainly believe in second chances. Even a third try. Ezra Miller is on chance #501. He already blew the other chances.

    7. Jw

      He has had many chances, more than most actors get.

    8. Ezra

      Yes….everyone does deserve a chance and a second chance but this fruitcake is on his 5th second chance…..cancel already like bud light.

    9. Lorrie Little

      He has had many chances which he blew off by getting in even more serious offenses. Coking a woman and throwing her on the ground is the action’s of a bully, who thinks he can get away with it bc he was in movies

    10. kyle reese

      ive got no issue personnally with Erza. but its harmful to give unqualified support to people who are harming others and still feel theyre right. not sure if ur familier with all the lame things hes done and said.

    11. DeLaun

      its “him” buddy..not “THEM”…

      Until Ezra turns into “Multiple Man” (look it up) “he” will ALWAYS be a “he/him”……

  5. Brian

    Here’s an idea. When writing a story about a mentally ill actor, don’t encourage his mental illness by using retarded, nonsensical pronouns.

    Ezra Miller is a MAN. HE should be reminded of that every chance that arises.

    1. Martin

      You don’t like pronouns enough to comment on them twice and still use the word “retarded”? Go die in a fire. The world no longer needs you.

      1. Bob

        It never needed you.

      2. Lorrie Little

        What you commented is worse than what he commented. Retared isn’t nice but telling someone to die in a fire is so much worse

  6. Harry

    If a beloved character and actor got fired from The Flash series on CW for words he said a few years before, why in heavens name did DC sink ANY amount of money into this project after the attack footage came out over a year ago? The double standard boggles my mind. There is NO WAY I’ll watch this film.

    1. Rob

      Don’t worry. Plenty of other people are going to be willing to take your seat. Not me, I don’t watch DC movies lol but you won’t be missed.

  7. Chris Wood

    I will see it. Why should all the other people involved in this movie have to suffer. Not the actual stars. They got paid. But the workers, carpenter’s, people who helped create sets, the working class people.

    1. Summer

      The other actors should have stood & demanded that Ezra be replaced, that’s way the other people don’t deserve to have our support in the movie. If this was ANY other actor that acted the way Ezra did, he would have been cut & replaced so fast! He doesn’t deserve special treatment.

    2. Bob

      Everybody who worked on the production got paid every two weeks while working. You don’t think they worked on commission, do you? They all belong to extremely powerful unions that would never allow that.

    3. Rob

      No see, those people don’t matter. Don’t you remember? As long as the ppl with their torches and pitchforks are satisfied, nothing else matters.

    4. Sean

      They also got paid. You don’t think the construction crew get royalties do you??

    5. DeLaun

      would you say all that if Ezra was a (heaven forbid) CONSERVATIVE??

  8. DevinLouise

    That sicko needs to be in federal prison.

  9. Du

    Agreed!!! The use of pronouns such as them, they, their to describe men/women is ridiculous. Also, if the “average” person had committed to the crimes that”he” did, they would be incarcerated.

  10. Jimbo

    How can it be highly lauded if it’s not even out yet? Go back to school

  11. Kobi

    No, I won’t go to see the Flash movie. Get a normal man to play the role. I’m not supporting that weirdo non binary crap in ANY form. Plus that dude is mentally unstable. What part of that don’t you understand?

    1. Rob

      Strange how all these people are typically mentally unstable but swear that their condition has nothing to do with it or that their actual mental state, is normal and not some sort of mental illness.

  12. Alyssa

    Could care less about pronouns. Doesn’t impact me one bit. I am concerned about the behaviors, and genuinely hope there has been improvement and healing.
    That said, I am pretty anti DC these days… give me back Harry, Gal and Jason. Not interested in anything DC makes at this point. Just one more reason why Marvel is the better universe.
    Signed, a past DC fan waiting for the next Marcel movie

    1. Josh

      Remember the 1st amendment? Forcing you (legally in some places) to use pronouns that are at a disconnect from reality of the first step to trample that right. And trust me it won’t stop there.

  13. Anthony

    Ezra did wrong we all know that, but I’m still going to see the film, because of the “Flash” and the effort put in to make the movie, I support the movie 100%, me and my friends are totally going to see this movie.

    1. Just Paul

      Agreed looks amazing just a shame Gunn is tearing it apart removing CAVILL AGAIN! Only his JL flashback remains. Mad…as! Gadot removed as well…hes an idiot trying to remove more Snyderverse! He’s worried about his future because things can change in a heartbeat!

    2. Lorrie Little

      Then you are part of the problem with supporting this so called actor’s and his criminal behaviors

  14. WildWildWesT

    😑Yall need to calm your pocket protecting, high suspenders pulling with both thumbs out asses down🤓👎🏾! Blah blah blah stfu, yall damn well yall gonna watch the movie no matter who’s playing the role. You probably won’t go to the theaters and watch it but somewhere, somewhere dammit you’re gonna watch it and you’re not gonna be thinking about this person’s personal life, you’re gonna thinking about how GAS the flash movie really is!. And I’ma be somewhere doing the same. 😤

    1. Lorrie Little

      You have a lot of nerve to say we who are not supporting this movie, for whatever reason, will watch it sometime in the future. My conviction in not supporting this movie means I will never watch it period. So stop with the I know it all crap.

  15. Bob

    You know, you sound like an uneducated idiot when you try to play the pronoun game. It makes your writing look and feel unprofessional and illogical. It’s your reputation as a writer that will be damaged.

  16. Robert

    They should have just replaced him with Grant in a crossover where the whole multiverse and the two Batmans it would have made. Perfect sense for Ezra to get lost in the speed force and Grant to become the new flash full-time and the new DCU

  17. Letivon

    I’ll watch the movie anyway.

    1. Rob

      Lol don’t worry. So will 95% of the people “boycotting” the movie.

  18. Duston

    I just wanna know if Ezra Miller is still going to get royalties from the movie or if he’s only gotten his base pay and WB exercises a clause to block him from royalties.

  19. THEM ruined his FLASH career when we learned what THEM is all about in the FLESH. Someone needs to expel all of THEM into swine so THEM can then run and jump off a cliff into the sea. LOL

  20. Max Knight

    I’ll watch this movie but I’ll wait until it comes out on streaming. I will not give the studio the box office success they crave so badly for, so many people wanted Ezra Miller removed from this movie but the studio stood by their main star and canceled the Batgirl movie, I don’t know what they are doing but I don’t agree with their decisions, so if the Flash movie flops in the box office maybe then they will actually listen to the fans

    1. Just Paul

      They aren’t listening to fans though that’s the thing, getting rid of Cavill the way they did was down right dirty from Gunn and before someone jumps to his defense…HE KNEW MONTHS IN ADVANCE HE WAS GETTING THE CHOP! He was hired to write the new Superman script and PURPOSELY MADE HIM YOUNG. So yeah Gunn KNEW ALRIGHT. Gunn fits in with the snakes at WBDISCOVERY.

      I want Flash to do well as it’s the end of the DCEU and deserved CAVILL/GADOT new cameos not flashbacks from previous movies, but Gunn removed them, just like he removed Cavikk from his role. This has ALL been in motion for quite some time. The guy is a liar and a wolf in sheeps clothing.

      I don’t like what Miller has done, but Gunn with his tweets about young boys and hes co-CEO of DC Studios? What is WRONG WITH WBDISCOVERY? They are keeping the weirdos and getting rid of the REAL MEN!
      They could easily multiverse recast flash after the movie, but this soft reboot STINKS especially from someone older like me who has been going since the start of CBMs with Reeve as Superman, DC DOESN’T NEED TO COPY MARVEL! But they need to STOP MEDDLING IN THE POPULAR MOVIES AND LET THEM GROW OVER TIME…that’s all the DCEU needed WW/AM/ZSJL was PROOF. The movies like JOKER/The Batman could EASILY have been part of the multiverse EASILY. But now a soft reboot? Come on! I’ve not got another 20 years to get to the good stuff again. Gunns EGO is getting in the way. Oh but we wilk have a connected Universe now through movies/tv/comics….well we ALREADY DID! The Flash had Miller Cameo! Peacemaker had JL cameo, Comics had Snyders stuff m, we had animated Snyder stuff as well so it WAS GETTING THERE..but yeah it will be even more gelled and yeah it should be anyway…but reboot…please! 👎🏽

  21. Anonymous

    Why did you dump my comment? Didn’t like what I had to say? How unfair Warner Brothers is. They want to keep a criminal, but fired a person who was innocent on only accusations with no proof? Johnny Depp could act rings around this guy. But you did him so wrong. Take your movie and shove it!

  22. JonSavage

    Gunn and Co. did so many rewrites, and post-production edits that what was released was sheer BS! They are purposely killing the DECU in favor of “MCUs twin” woke cr@p. Gunn and Fiege are force-feeding everyone 21 flavors of WOKE, STUPID!

    1. Just Paul

      Agreed total sabotage to try make their stuff look better on release.
      Tell me something how did they get the gig Especially Gunn TSS is one of the worst BO performing movies for DC, Safran just got lucky because AM was always going to do well just like most of Snyders characters moving forward that never got much of a chance, and the ones that did, did well even with interference like WW/AM and now Flash looks to be decent but Gunn is tearing it apart and inserting his trash!


      Sorry but Gunn is a wolf is sheeps clothing, what he did to Cavill was unforgivable, knowing full well he was getting the pump as he was writing the new Superman movie Months prior to BAs release and Cavills return announcement…who embarrasses someone like that? I’ll tell you why it was because of Shazam and his cameo. No one of the “Snyderverse” wanted any of the cheesy screechy Univese that was getting built post JL because Snyder got badly mistreated so Cavill didn’t cameo for whatever reason, but if he was only busy then Safran could easily have got him in later on.

      I knew as well because Shazam2 the director said BEFORE the release he was stepping away from CBMs and going bk to horror..so HE KNEW what Safran and Gunn were doing because even Shazam1 had small Snyderverse easter eggs and Gunn used Peacemaker to go oh look Snyder fans I’m on your side here is the JL except the ones that have movies coming up il show like Flash/AM but the rest are GONE!

      CAN’T STAND THE MAN OR THE WAY HE TREATS THE FANS. Only GOTG fans are pretending everything is ok with him and now an influx or Marvel actors taking over just SUKS BIG TIME. So we’ve just watched those actors over there now they are going to steal the DC spotlight?

      This was an inside job! Lol

      Why the never just used Flash for multiverse going forward with Cavill/Affleck/Gadot/Mamoa/Miller/Fisher then just started to add in new actors over time abd using old CGI Reeve etc like Flash is beyond me, yet MARVEL ARE DOING IT…GUNNS OTHER EMPLOYERS! His bread is buttered on both sides but one side has the jam…which side is that? Which side has he been successful with? Yeah EXACTLY because TSS bombed!
      Why is he head co-CEO if DC Studios from TSS/Peacemaker I have NO IDEA.
      We had guys like Donner/Burton/Nolan/Snyder/Reeves/Phillips/Wan/Jenkins/Ayer/Muchietti all giving great accounts of some good movies, yes some aren’t available like Donner but the rest are yet they go with GUNN? Bizzare! It’s his attitude it stinks!!!

  23. Gary

    I like Ezra Miller, he’s a good actor. Many people in this world have done far worse things than anything Ezra has done…just take a look at our president Joe Biden…he has been the cause of many deaths around the world! His family is a crime syndicate like no other, and right under everyone’s nose.

    1. Amer

      Wtf you talking about? Here we have another defender of sexual predators (Ezra & Trump), pretending that somehow Joe Biden is some horrible boss man, who for 40 years in politics literally took a train to work. And in those 40 years, there has never been a single accusation against him or his family. But he beat that sicko Trump, so all of a sudden Biden has to be smeared to equalize matters for the next election. Stop defending monsters, and even worse, stop attacking innocent people. If you have actual evidence he did something, let’s see it. Otherwise shove it.

      1. Ezra Miller’s behavior is a problem. The movie looks great, but should we support and encourage someone who has done all these things? They should be prosecuted, not paid millions for a movie role.

  24. Just Paul

    Most likely from Gunn as he only cares about HIS STUFF going forward. Hed bury Reeve/Keaton as well if he could just so he can get his d*ck and fart jokes in his SuperWoke: The Movie
    SuperWoke 2: Dick and Fartman Returns.
    SuperWoke 3: Black V White.
    SuperWoke 4: The GenderWars.
    SuperWoke 5: MemeGame.

    All in all The “Marvel/Disney” guys like Whedon and Gunn were brought in to do one thing, get rid of Snyders stuff and brighten and cheer it up and by that they mean target kiddies and teenagers with sillyness and “woke” it up 👎🏽

    Flash was a BRILLIANT way to create an existing multiverse with current actors/characters and crossovers moving forward THEN Gunn could have introduced a new Superman a few years down the line giving this Generations Superman a well deserved send off, bright hopeful and colourful properly no silliness like what’s coming.

    Gunn has no interest in what came before he is only interested in actors/characters he’s worked with before etc., and the influx if Marvel characters will come to DC now to STEAL the spotlight so many of actors already there worked so hard to achieve, even with the meddling and backstabbing going on. What they did and by this Gunn did to Cavill was terrible…they let Cavill announce his return knowing full well Gunn was hired to write a new Superman movie and he PURPOSELY wrote a younger version, completely ignoring fans wishes.

    Snake. He used the Snyderverse in Peacemaker to gain fans and get them on side then dropped them like a stone once he was in charge, he’s a wolf in sheeps clothing.

    I’m not being negative THAT is the Truth, he thinks he’s with the cook kids who gets excited when he tells people about the time they all had his face on t-shirts…ha snort snort…not. Sad total ego maniac don’t let the “spikey” grey hair and glasses fool you! He’s a rat!

    WBDISCOVERY have made ANOTHER TERRIBLE MISTAKE WITH HIM AS co CEO of DC Studios because he talks to the fans like cr*p. You just DO NOT DO THAT, it’s the paying customer! His Tweets are ridiculous as well and his older tweets are for weirdos. Why does Hollywood keep the strange but get rid of the good people? Tells you ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW RIGHT THERE! HOLLYWEIRD!

  25. Evie

    They should have just used Grant to make the Flash movie, since he has been playing an awesome Flash on TV. I was shocked when they used Ezra. Just offer Grant the movie roll and dump Ezra.

  26. Nelson Agis

    I strongly agree Ezra has issues, but I am looking forward to the new Flash film next month. Been waiting a long time. I love the Flash and Ezra in the part. Ezra has the potential to continue to be a great actor. Glad they’ve recognized their behavior and are working on correcting it. Love ya Ezra! ❤️

  27. Ian Gregory Harden

    Of course I will see Flash, all the others are second fiddle. Been waiting on this and Miller, no matter what he’s done. Everyone makes mistakes.

  28. Michael

    I will see this film if and only if Grant Gustin makes even a brief cameo. Also way to go DC you took months to get rid of Ezra Miller for all the charges and any other problems Ezra Miller did but you had absolutely no hesitation in getting rid of Hartley Sawyer as Elongated man in The Flash TV series (which were not only years before being hired on the show but also look like a stubbed toe compared to Ezra Miller’s actions) way to get your priorities straight…NOT!

  29. rlp

    Posting some love and support for all my NonBinary, Transgender, GenderQueer, Agender, and other non-cis fam.

    It’s a shame that humans with apparently unaddressed issues jump into just about any conversation to spew forth hateful ichor directed at us. Remember, please — those people believe they have problems with us because those people have problems. Period. If not us, then they’d aim their hatred at some other target also undeserving of such vile vitriol.

    We are valid. We are normal (to the extent we want and choose to be — certainly if such bigotry is ‘the norm’, I’d much rather be anything but that kind of ‘normal’). We are loved. Our pronouns matter. Our real names (not the ones we were assigned, if we’ve changed that) matter. Our lives matter. Our contributions matter. We matter.

    Don’t be villified by the nonsense spouted in comments sections, based on ignorance, fear, insecurity, personal issues, and very unhealthy toxic hatred — nor by the alleged or actual actions of any one member of The Community (how many cishets have committed crimes, or raged against the innocent online, for instance — yet, we simply don’t condemn them all; the same goes for us).

    Attend the movie, don’t attend the movie; stream it when available, don’t stream it. The more important matter is to be your lovely, authentic self; take care of you (and, if capable, each other). Be a good person, or at least a decent one. That’s what matters.


  30. rlp

    Posting some love and support for all my NonBinary, Transgender, GenderQueer, Agender, and other non-cis fam.

    It’s a shame that humans with apparently unaddressed issues jump into just about any conversation to spew forth hateful ichor directed at us. Remember, please — those people believe they have problems with us because those people have problems. Period. If not us, then they’d aim their hatred at some other target also undeserving of such vile vitriol.

    We are valid. We are normal (to the extent we want and choose to be — certainly if such bigotry is ‘the norm’, I’d much rather be anything but that kind of ‘normal’). We are loved. Our pronouns matter. Our real names (not the ones we were assigned, if we’ve changed that) matter. Our lives matter. Our contributions matter. We matter.

    Don’t be villified by the nonsense spouted in comments sections, based on ignorance, fear, insecurity, personal issues, and very unhealthy toxic hatred — nor by the alleged or actual actions of any one member of The Community (how many cishets have committed crimes, or raged against the innocent online, for instance — yet, we simply don’t condemn them all; the same goes for us).

    Attend the movie, don’t attend the movie; stream it when available, don’t stream it. The more important matter is to be your lovely, authentic self; take care of you (and, if capable, each other). Be a good person, or at least a decent one. That’s what matters.


    1. kyle reese

      everyone is value and deserves a chance. but ideas promoted by ezra are harming others. hiding in your bunker pretending people are out to get you is a cop out ans typical cult mantra. no ones cares if anyone is trans. no one hates anyone. but policies that give special treatment to men who walk into womens restrooms, live in womens prisons, trick kids with psych issues into permanent loss of sexual function are bad policies, thats only a comment on the policy and ppl pushing this. if anyone complains theyre called transphobic and deplatformed. every gender biz stat and claim is a lie. doesnt take much to see how these claims were created.

  31. rlp

    Posting some love and support for all my NonBinary, Transgender, GenderQueer, Agender, and other non-cis fam.

    It’s a shame that humans with apparently unaddressed issues jump into just about any conversation to spew forth hateful ichor directed at us. Remember, please — those people believe they have problems with us because those people have problems. Period. If not us, then they’d aim their hatred at some other target also undeserving of such vile vitriol.

    We are valid. We are normal (to the extent we want and choose to be — certainly if such bigotry is ‘the norm’, I’d much rather be anything but that kind of ‘normal’). We are loved. Our pronouns matter. Our real names (not the ones we were assigned, if we’ve changed that) matter. Our lives matter. Our contributions matter. We matter.

    Don’t be villified by the nonsense spouted in comments sections, based on ignorance, fear, insecurity, personal issues, and very unhealthy toxic hatred — nor by the alleged or actual actions of any one member of The Community (how many cis people have committed crimes, or raged against the innocent online, for instance — yet, we simply don’t condemn them all; the same goes for us).

    Attend the movie, don’t attend the movie; stream it when available, don’t stream it. The more important matter is to be your lovely, authentic self; take care of you (and, if capable, each other). Be a good person, or at least a decent one. That’s what matters.


  32. John

    “Their”? That would imply more than one guy. Does he have a clone or two out there and together they’re causing havoc?

  33. Gobbo

    He is an unhinged degenerate.

  34. Jim

    Wouldn’t go to a James Gunn film if they paid me. This man has ruined the entire super hero genre.

  35. Kyle Reese

    gender ideology is a mens rights movements that allows white men to do crimes, walk into womens restrooms, live in womens prisons, trick kids with psych issues into permanent loss of sexual function all with liberal’s approval. if anyone complains theyre called transphobic and deplatformed. meanwhile Jonathan Majors may lose his career for doing far less than Erza.

  36. kyle reese

    gender ideology is a mens rights movements that allows white men to do crimes, walk into womens restrooms, live in womens prisons, trick kids with psych issues into permanent loss of sexual function. if anyone complains theyre called transphobic and are deplatformed or lose their jobs. meanwhile Jonathan Majors may lose his career for doing far less than Erza. and women have to suffer sharing spaces with people who are biological males and suffering obvious psych issues, such as Ezra.

  37. Josh

    I’m sick of hearing about this mentally unstable and criminally dangerous deranged person.
    The only reason he is not automatically “cancelled” as nowdays keyboard and sj warriors like to do, is because he’s “one of theirs”

    Also, respect is earned not taken, this guy doesn’t deserve the attention (which he seeks) the writers of this and really any article concerning Mr. Miller with his “pronounce of choice”

    He’s a he. That’s all he gets to be. Maybe if he contributed something to the betterment of this world, I would consider respecting his will.

  38. Josh

    Omg you wrote was instead were! His could you be so cruel!

    /Sarcasm #HeIsHe

  39. He is not the real flash I dunno his but the real flash is Barry Allen he should make the DC

  40. Dan

    Support for this movie is support for child grooming weirdos.

    No thanks.

    1. Natasha


  41. George

    Since when do we punish people for admitting they are dealing with trying to correct their mental well-being? I mean that’s a good way for people to not want to come forward about their mental issues that they are dealing with And seek help for them. Yes I plan on seeing the flash it looks like it’s going to be a good movie but you never know till you see it. And if Ezra Miller messes up again then he wasn’t sincere about wanting help for his mental issues but since he says that he has recognized what he is dealing with and is dealing with it I think that people should give him the benefit of the doubt but if Ezra Miller does mess up again then we can all cut him loose but until that point cut the kid some slack

  42. Natasha

    Absolutely not. He is seriously ill and a child abuser, a cult leader, and a groomer. Any other typical citizen would be in jail by now.

  43. Mad Celt

    The out of touch narcissists have not realized comic book movies were a passing fad and have fizzled out.

  44. Max Knight

    I understand DC studios spend a stupid about of money on this movie and if they wanted to save face, they should of dumped Ezra Miller the moment they smelled controversy like they did with Amber Heard, by stating to the fans and public that they can’t currently do anything about Ezra Miller’s involvement with the film but in the future, Ezra will no longer be connected to the DC. I will not use “they” or “them” to identify a individual that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, sounds like someone is suffering from multiple personality disorder, instead I’ll refer to someone by their name if they don’t like gender pronouns

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