Guest Left With “Permanent Injuries” After Riding SeaWorld Roller Coaster

Comments for Guest Left With “Permanent Injuries” After Riding SeaWorld Roller Coaster

A vehicle rides the tracks of Ice Breaker

Credit: SeaWorld


  1. Jeif

    I would love to be a juror for this one. So I can call out their BS.

    1. Necole

      Their day will come

  2. Desiree C

    I believe him. My daughter went on it within the first 2 weeks of opening and my review is still on Google. The seatbelt wasn’t padded and caused a lump on her forehead. I’m pretty sure she’s the reason for the height requirement. No apology from Sea World ever even though we saw their medical staff and spoke to the ride operators immediately after when my daughter couldn’t stop crying from the pain.

  3. Kaylee

    I’d like to know why he never said anything to begin with when he noticed that flaw. He seen a lawsuit and took advantage of it by not saying anything. Sucks it happened to him

  4. Brad

    Totally believe him. My brother and I were injured that same day. They called it a “failed launch” on ours. That thing went from full speed to instant stop causing insane whiplash. I was sore for legit a month after. I feel like they should have tested the stopping effects better.

  5. Monique S

    I mean there is a reaaon they changed the height requirments like 3 times a
    And then got rid of those “comfort collars”. Prayers to him and his family.

  6. Desiree

    Yeah my daughter got wrecked on her birthday before they had things to cover the buckles and she doesn’t understand how momentum works and so she was thrown around like a rag doll and got a goose egg on top of her head. It happened February 10th a little bit after it opened. We addressed it immediately when she got off the ride because she was crying so bad from it. Hitting her and the staff pretty much had no reaction and just told us to go over to sesame Street and get first aid. My husband and I are both nurses so we know what symptoms to monitor for but I was super dissatisfied with SeaWorld for not even reaching out to apologize for not having the ride safe.

  7. Teeboo

    Nobody knows if he’s telling the truth or not who are you to be judging someone! And Jeif that’s why you are not on the juror !

  8. Saulo Martins

    Not, true…it’s is an amazing experience! Congrats Sea World

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