Dolphin and Trainer Injured in Attacks at SeaWorld Orlando

Comments for Dolphin and Trainer Injured in Attacks at SeaWorld Orlando

Orca jumps into the pool

Credit: SeaWorld


  1. Chris

    The dolphin attacks occur naturally in the wild as well and the dolphin that was attacked would be pushed out of the pod and likely die on its own. In captivity, it can be separated and cared for, perhaps not returned to the pod, but should be able to be given some other dolphins that will get along with it and live a relatively happy life.

    I also wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out PETA somehow found ways to instigate the attacks, as they have been known to use such tactics before.

    1. Sandy

      Leave the wild alone they do not belong in a damn show

  2. These animals are VERY WELL cared for. In ALL the years it has been opened, usually if not ALL attacks or occurrences have happened due to human error. The writer of this article should stick with her/his love of the fake parks, man made crap, people are ripped off to visit. Leave Sea World ALONE! Sea World does MORE then put animals in shoes and educate the public! Sea World RESCUES AND CONTINUES TO BE VITAL TO MANY MANY ANIMALS!! They rescue manatees, dolphins, whales, exotic birds, etc etc. MAYBE TRY TO REPORT ON THE GOOD THEY DO!!! Try it!

  3. S

    Living in a concrete tank is not what these animals deserve. Sea World needs to release the mammals they pretend to care about in the name of revenue.


      I don’t know which Dolphins were together when this happened. Fact is Most of The Dolphins at SeaWorld were born there. They could never live in open ocean. They can’t hunt or care for themselves.
      SeaWorld and SeaWorld Rescue have saved more Sea Animals then another Rescue Groups.
      They have found treatments so more wild injured Dolphins can go back to their home waters.

  4. Amy Squires

    SeaWorld does release animals back into the wild but it is a small fraction compared to the animals they keep in captivity. Yes, the animals at SeaWorld have food, water, vet care, but please, take a moment and imagine spending your entire life in a concrete box – separated from your family – fed the same food day and night – given eye medication so the chlorinated water you live in makes it easier for the tourists to see you – given antidepressants for anxiety and depression – bred to bring more animals into captivity and then separated from your calves – spend your days swimming in circles in a pen that is 200,000 times smaller than the ocean. Seriously think about, please. SeaWorld can do so much good with their rescues, but they need to stop breeding their animals and make this the last generation of animals that live their entire lives in captivity.

  5. My opinion is they should release animals into the wild when they’re ready but sea world is amazing and beautiful place. The people that work there do care about the animals. Some people have their own opinion some people don’t, but my opinion is I love sea world and I wouldn’t mind working there. It’s a great place an amazing park.

  6. Connie P

    Seaworld has always done an amazing job in caring for all their animals. And there are always going to be differing opinions on both sides of the fence. The folks at SeaWorld are all professionals, and love their animals.

  7. lorraine

    their swimming area should be a lot larger so they dont have to go in circles all day long in a small area. They are huge animals and need space. Even dolphins need a lot of space to swim around…..I dont think they would survive in the wild now being caged in for so long, so try to make their lives a little easier by giving them some space……….I dont t hink it would take very long to dig a space for them that is larger

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