Disney CEO Bob Iger Says DeSantis Battle Is Matter of "Right & Wrong"

Comments for Disney CEO Bob Iger Says DeSantis Battle Is Matter of “Right & Wrong”

Ron DeSantis speaking, Bob Iger (Disney CEO) looking pensive.


  1. Gary

    And Disney is in the WRONG!!!!

  2. DugTheDog

    Go Bob Iger! 💯

  3. Hee Haw

    Because the gays are experiencing genocide?

    Nobody is buying it.

  4. Cobus

    It was not ever even called “Don’t say gay” bill. It eas a bill to protect under 13 year old kids against sexualisation, a bill that Disney should rather have supported than fight against. This is utterly shameful!

  5. NuneYa

    Disney is wrong and so are all liberals..

    No one should be talking to any kids under 18 about sex or gender except if you are that kids parent.

  6. Joe

    Can you imagine what he would be trying to do if elected president. A dictator always say he is doing it for the people

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