This whole public conflict is ludicrous. Who ever heard of a governor trying to take free speech away from the state’s biggest employer? Winning a bully contest is more important to DeSantis than good jobs and a healthy economy for his the people of Florida.
Way to go Disney 👌🏾👌🏾👍🏾👍🏾💪🏾💪🏾. Now maybe dictator DeSantis will learn to honor Florida’s agreements. Actually, Disney SHOULD leave the state, those people elected DeSantimoneous let them suffer the economic lose.
Not ALL the people voted for that moron! The state of FL. Was gerrymandered to the point that the only Democratic city is Orange County. I love Disney world, And I’m so glad that they took action against the crooked governor!
DeSantis attempted to show that he has the biggest balls in Florida. I wondered what was going on when Disney seemingly accepted his intimidation attempt. Disney showed that DeSantis isn’t as smart or as important as he likes to assume he is. DeSantis will make his next move and then Disney will make him look like a fool again. And then again. And again.
DeSantis is a bully in the same vein as the former president, and quite frankly is bad for the state of Florida. Disney is a wonderful corporate entity in Florida and has brought billions of dollars of taxes and revenue to the state. Disney needs to move a few hundred miles to the north and relocate its entire operation to Georgia or Alabama where I’m sure they would be welcomed with open arms and the promise of no government intrusion into their business. Shame on DeSantis for his short sighted approach to running government and kudos to Disney for outsmarting him( really not all that hard to do) and standing their ground on an issue government has no business being involved in to begin with.
21 years after the death of the last descendant of King Charles’s III of England. They’re not even pretending that they are not trying to stick it to him. It’s amazing, Maybe DeSantis will learn the sad truth, corporations are the real rulers of our country. For once crooked capitalism helped. I for one am all for government and corporations being adversaries. Love seeing evil DeSatan fooled.
I really hate DeSantis and how he’s manipulating the ppl of my home state. This news made me laugh so hard! I’m sure Disney had lawyers to make sure this would stick. 3 more years of this Wannabe Dictator.
Fresh Baked posted a video saying this the day it passed the legislature. You can find it on YouTube. Title is “Did Bob Iger just Defeat DeSantis in Fight over Reedy Creek?” If the vlogers knew, DeSantis knew when he signed it. 🤣🤣🤣
Wow – what happened to all those love infected libs on this page? Aren’t they the ones that always tell us that conservatives are the haters? And hold signs at rallies screaming it out? The reality is Conservatives have traditionally hated policy (that is changing in response to constant abuse and bullying by libs) and libs have hated people (I know – I was a lib). The label and controversy of the whole “don’t say gay bill” issue is nothing more than BS. Here’s an idea READ THE BILL! You celebrate this? Well it just goes to show Iger and his immoral evil and perverse minions are just continuing the destruction of the Disney Company.
I think you must have hit send on your comment too early. It’s missing the required 3 usages of the word woke and the optional reference to church. Get over it dude, that Bum was never going to take power away from WDW it was all smoke and mirrors.
Desantis is the equivalent of a dictator. He is not a God and his anti-gay legislation is archaic. Florida is not adjacent to Russia. He’s a young Trump with narcissism running through his veins too. He needs to let Disney be Disney and not strong arm everyone that doesn’t agree with him.
Way to go Disney. DeSantis should never have poke the bear anyway. He was just being a dictator or God. Which pretty is his attitude. Yes. This is MY opinion and I am stuck with it
Legally it is not reasonable that a court will uphold these restrictive agreements made at the 11th hour as it’s clear subversion. Iger is leading the company over a cliff. You can see it with the firing of 7,000 cast members in a futile attempt to recover from the bad deal he made to buy Fox.
So how many companies the size of Disney have you run? Must be incredible to have that kind of experience… I mean to be able to school Bob Iger is quite an accomplishment. ROFLMAO!!!
Perfect. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in court. Florida gets to pay for Disney infrastructure and Disney keeps Mickey Mouse without Florida government interference.
Morons posting here really think that disney will beat the government. How does that work! In a month or two we will be reading about disneys failed attempts to circumvent the laws. Trust that the mouse will lose in the end….
This will take years to play out and by that time Ron has moved on and it becomes an irrelevant fight that will end up costing the tax payers money. Also how do you find an impartial judge if the governor has appointed the board that will sue Disney. And the governor appoints the judges.
this new board was going to use a businesses name and logo and characters for their own use or going to restrict how a business uses its own logos? this looks like the only thing Disney restricted. and the board is upset they can only do roads and basic infrastructure. I thought that’s all they were going to do anyhow. Unless it’s signage on a road they can’t tell a business how to use their logos and copoyrighted/trademarked items
That’s my Disney!!!
Dirty Dog DiSantos please please go crawl into your hole where you belong with your tail between your legs!
I see a lot of immaturity in these comments and in Disney , Disney is and has been on the fast track of business Destruction , to appease a small group that have no idea or plan of the next step only know “ US vs THEM “ ideals , as Disney is finding out this is a losing strategy it shows in there P&L , there stocks as Disney is drastically Firings cast members at record levels, to compensate there downward financial spiral as they lose there core guest , there once world renowned business practices have been tarnished there parks are becoming run down and unpleasant there leadership is in question this is Business Destruction .
Well to all you idiots that, thinks the mouse won. He just lost. All permits will revoked!!!! All construction jobs stopped!!! The Governor can shut the park down over the water that’s got those Is hamibis that eat your brain out. And yes they have a lake with them. That just the beginning. The Governor can do that tomorrow!!!! He also can get Disney for over charging people for foods an drinks. Also my favorite one is the Uniforms that the workers wear Are never washed or made in 7 pears for each person. Hell I’ve got a lest a mile long. The mouse gas just ran into the glue trap
Comments for Disney World Secretly Made Reedy Creek Powerless Before Handing it to DeSantis’s Committee
Diane Hatcher
Dummy DeSantis is learning there is a bigger and SMARTER bully in town. Don’t mess with the Mouse!
Disney could get tired of all this and just make plans to pull out of Florida. Don’t be surprised.
James Pare
Thank goodness someone with big pockets will not be bullied by Desantis.
Go Disney! Desantis’ retaliation was immature. But I don’t expect much from him to begin with.
Disney is in all their right to protect their park, de Santis can’t take it over. I hope Disney leaves Florida!!
Great move Disney! As always very imaginative and inventive.
They sure could.
Remember their headquarters base is in The Golden State of California.
The rat was outsmarted by the mouse.
Francie Brody
This whole public conflict is ludicrous. Who ever heard of a governor trying to take free speech away from the state’s biggest employer? Winning a bully contest is more important to DeSantis than good jobs and a healthy economy for his the people of Florida.
Grimm Michael
Awesome comment!
Way to go Disney 👌🏾👌🏾👍🏾👍🏾💪🏾💪🏾. Now maybe dictator DeSantis will learn to honor Florida’s agreements. Actually, Disney SHOULD leave the state, those people elected DeSantimoneous let them suffer the economic lose.
Not ALL the people voted for that moron! The state of FL. Was gerrymandered to the point that the only Democratic city is Orange County. I love Disney world, And I’m so glad that they took action against the crooked governor!
That would not have any effect on Desantis being elected since it is statewide. Only the legislature or congressional seats
DeSantis attempted to show that he has the biggest balls in Florida. I wondered what was going on when Disney seemingly accepted his intimidation attempt. Disney showed that DeSantis isn’t as smart or as important as he likes to assume he is. DeSantis will make his next move and then Disney will make him look like a fool again. And then again. And again.
Ronnie C
DeSantis is a bully in the same vein as the former president, and quite frankly is bad for the state of Florida. Disney is a wonderful corporate entity in Florida and has brought billions of dollars of taxes and revenue to the state. Disney needs to move a few hundred miles to the north and relocate its entire operation to Georgia or Alabama where I’m sure they would be welcomed with open arms and the promise of no government intrusion into their business. Shame on DeSantis for his short sighted approach to running government and kudos to Disney for outsmarting him( really not all that hard to do) and standing their ground on an issue government has no business being involved in to begin with.
I also wondered why they were so quiet leading up to the appointment of the new board. Now we know why. LOL!
21 years after the death of the last descendant of King Charles’s III of England. They’re not even pretending that they are not trying to stick it to him. It’s amazing, Maybe DeSantis will learn the sad truth, corporations are the real rulers of our country. For once crooked capitalism helped. I for one am all for government and corporations being adversaries. Love seeing evil DeSatan fooled.
I really hate DeSantis and how he’s manipulating the ppl of my home state. This news made me laugh so hard! I’m sure Disney had lawyers to make sure this would stick. 3 more years of this Wannabe Dictator.
Checkmate, DeSantis! Hahaha
Hate loses, love wins.
Fresh Baked posted a video saying this the day it passed the legislature. You can find it on YouTube. Title is “Did Bob Iger just Defeat DeSantis in Fight over Reedy Creek?” If the vlogers knew, DeSantis knew when he signed it. 🤣🤣🤣
Wow – what happened to all those love infected libs on this page? Aren’t they the ones that always tell us that conservatives are the haters? And hold signs at rallies screaming it out? The reality is Conservatives have traditionally hated policy (that is changing in response to constant abuse and bullying by libs) and libs have hated people (I know – I was a lib). The label and controversy of the whole “don’t say gay bill” issue is nothing more than BS. Here’s an idea READ THE BILL! You celebrate this? Well it just goes to show Iger and his immoral evil and perverse minions are just continuing the destruction of the Disney Company.
T. Harris
Awwww. You seem triggered. Poor snowflake!🤭🤣🤣🤣🤣
So your not going to Disney anytime soon huh ?? Good one less person in line. Stay woke folks.
Very true
No one uses the term lib except for conservatives.
Dawn Keibals
I think you must have hit send on your comment too early. It’s missing the required 3 usages of the word woke and the optional reference to church. Get over it dude, that Bum was never going to take power away from WDW it was all smoke and mirrors.
Jack Jones
Geez. Been a Richard all your life?
T. Harris
Petulant Fascist Manchild – 0
Barbara Ryan
Desantis is the equivalent of a dictator. He is not a God and his anti-gay legislation is archaic. Florida is not adjacent to Russia. He’s a young Trump with narcissism running through his veins too. He needs to let Disney be Disney and not strong arm everyone that doesn’t agree with him.
LOL. So they will have to murder the entire royal family and then wait 21 years. GO DISNEY!
Way to go Disney. DeSantis should never have poke the bear anyway. He was just being a dictator or God. Which pretty is his attitude. Yes. This is MY opinion and I am stuck with it
Legally it is not reasonable that a court will uphold these restrictive agreements made at the 11th hour as it’s clear subversion. Iger is leading the company over a cliff. You can see it with the firing of 7,000 cast members in a futile attempt to recover from the bad deal he made to buy Fox.
Exactly Roy. Renaming things to get an emotional response out of low information voters only works for so long. Read the bill, not tik tok.
Hysterical. Disney’s lawyers made sure everything would stand up to legal review.
John Ronson
So how many companies the size of Disney have you run? Must be incredible to have that kind of experience… I mean to be able to school Bob Iger is quite an accomplishment. ROFLMAO!!!
Ray Vitullo
Perfect. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in court. Florida gets to pay for Disney infrastructure and Disney keeps Mickey Mouse without Florida government interference.
Morons posting here really think that disney will beat the government. How does that work! In a month or two we will be reading about disneys failed attempts to circumvent the laws. Trust that the mouse will lose in the end….
Dawn Keibals
This will take years to play out and by that time Ron has moved on and it becomes an irrelevant fight that will end up costing the tax payers money. Also how do you find an impartial judge if the governor has appointed the board that will sue Disney. And the governor appoints the judges.
They sure could.
Remember their headquarters base is in The Golden State of California.
this new board was going to use a businesses name and logo and characters for their own use or going to restrict how a business uses its own logos? this looks like the only thing Disney restricted. and the board is upset they can only do roads and basic infrastructure. I thought that’s all they were going to do anyhow. Unless it’s signage on a road they can’t tell a business how to use their logos and copoyrighted/trademarked items
Way to Go Disney, finally did something to be proud of. Screw that wanta be President desantis prick. Long Live Mickey Mouse and Company.
Diane R
Ha, ha, ha – way to go, Disney. Stick it to Dictator DeSantis!
That’s my Disney!!!
Dirty Dog DiSantos please please go crawl into your hole where you belong with your tail between your legs!
I see a lot of immaturity in these comments and in Disney , Disney is and has been on the fast track of business Destruction , to appease a small group that have no idea or plan of the next step only know “ US vs THEM “ ideals , as Disney is finding out this is a losing strategy it shows in there P&L , there stocks as Disney is drastically Firings cast members at record levels, to compensate there downward financial spiral as they lose there core guest , there once world renowned business practices have been tarnished there parks are becoming run down and unpleasant there leadership is in question this is Business Destruction .
Sabrina Gigliotti
Well alright!!! Duh-santis was schooled by a mouse!!!
Like I said Disney World
is the biggest business
for Florida, the one that brings most of their money yearly, guess who has the power.
Well to all you idiots that, thinks the mouse won. He just lost. All permits will revoked!!!! All construction jobs stopped!!! The Governor can shut the park down over the water that’s got those Is hamibis that eat your brain out. And yes they have a lake with them. That just the beginning. The Governor can do that tomorrow!!!! He also can get Disney for over charging people for foods an drinks. Also my favorite one is the Uniforms that the workers wear Are never washed or made in 7 pears for each person. Hell I’ve got a lest a mile long. The mouse gas just ran into the glue trap
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