LGBTQIA+ Guests Share Stories of Harassment at Disney Parks - Inside the Magic

Comments for LGBTQIA+ Guests Share Stories of Harassment at Disney Parks

Disney Rainbow Collection worn by Guests

Credit: Disney Parks Blog


  1. Steve

    You can’t intimidate people into liking you.

    1. EricJ

      More accurately, you can’t MARKET sympathy, make it fascistic with threats of punishment, or guilty with sob stories.

      And yes, Floridians are jerks at the moment being Pied-Pipered by DeSantis’s campaign search for his new Mickey McCarthy, but in the other 49 sane states, Pride Month marketing is starting to see some backlash:
      Gays, as well as str8s, are starting to see it for the corporate kissup that it is, but the mainstream is getting visibly weary about the LGBT community thinking that they’re the social “Teacher’s pet” because big corporations stroked their egos, and some complain about the undefined self-indulgence of whether Pride Month is now a day, a week, a month, six months, or whatever their marketable search for public attention wants to TELL us it is to keep the camera always on themselves.

      …”Familiarity breeds contempt” has a word, and that word is Backlash.

      1. Steve

        I’m actually confused by this post and I would like to know where you got what you are smoking.

      2. Chuck

        Such an odd comment.

        1. EricJ

          I’ll shorten it:
          Remember how cool VH-1 used to be, when it showed music videos and “I Love the 80’s”, and it wasn’t the 24/7 RuPaul network? 😉

  2. Youth LGBTQIA+ ? Is this part of Disney’s grooming plan? I don’t know what IA+ stands for. The trans movement that they are pushing on minors is disgusting. Do not alter their hormones. Let them make it to adulthood and then allow them to decide.

    1. MBgirl

      Couldn’t agree more. Please allow children to be innocent. They are not pawns in some type of social experiment.

    2. Duckie

      I stands for intersex (when a person is born with both male and female parts). A is for asexual (a person that does not experience any form of sexual desire). No one can force anyone to be trans, either you are or you’re not.

  3. Walt

    LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ+ people are the worst.

    1. mugo

      I am sure the LBGTQ guests who got harassed were the type of people who go around broadcasting their sexuality . If you are going to draw attention to yourself don’t expect it to all be good .

    2. Fi

      No, in general, they are much better people than straight m*n and w****n.

    3. -S

      I’m going to start calling them the -S movement. They support everything except normal, biologically correct behavior.

  4. MT

    I feel like the Disney Parks experience is so entitlement-centric by design that people expect that other guests should be disallowed from offending them. And that’s in general not barring either straights or gays. Obviously, couples shouldn’t be getting hot and heavy at a all ages theme park. No exceptions, and I’ve unfortunately witnessed a straight couple getting busy on the monorail before (hands in each other’s shorts in the cart ahead of the one I was in with my siblings, ew!), so it’s not just a LGBT thing. And when one LGBT person takes it too far it somehow becomes a bad reflection on the entire community rather than just one bad apple. The entitlement can be really problematic with PDAs and the double standard of how heterosexual couples are constantly doing PDA selfies and so on, where as if a gay could did the same I could easily see a really entitled person freaking out over just seeing a gay or lesbian couple holding hands or wearing a dorky his/his or hers/hers shirt (you know the same thing that all the dorky straights wear too) or something equally as innocuous.

  5. Ava

    Most people don’t have an issue with the existence of gay / lesbian folks. PDA is something that doesn’t need to be in Disney parks, regardless of orientation. My question is what is Disney’s stance on Transgendered people? As a woman with a young daughter, biological men following us into public bathrooms / changing rooms because they identify a certain way is where I draw the line.

  6. Mike

    I was sitting with my four daughters and some gay man walked by me and said “disgusting f**ing breeder”…

    Maybe people just need to treat each other with a little more respect.

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