Study Finds Johnny Depp Fans Perpetrated One of the ‘Worst Cases of Cyberbullying’ Ever

Comments for Study Finds Johnny Depp Fans Perpetrated One of the ‘Worst Cases of Cyberbullying’ Ever

amber heard (left) johnny depp (right)


  1. Walt

    Amber Turdburglar and her supporters just can’t go away.

  2. Shel

    TBH I’ve never been a Johnny Depp fan, not in love with him, not a supporter of his work. Truth is I lost both parents within 5 months of each other a few months before I read the story. I commented once in a while trying to take my mind off things. It was minimal until PopRocks got in my head. Then the comments flowed out, most in spite of him. He has a way of irritating me more than anyone ever has. Certainly wasn’t going to let him win, especially after assuming things he did not know about me. But everything he said would happen, happened. Both are publicly victimizing themself in a desperate attempt for public attention by playing off of good people’s emotions. Subliminal messages and threats seem to be the norm if support ends. Pathetic BS not worth the effort. Money wins PopRocks, you got what you wanted and we have nothing more to fight about.

  3. Kezza

    The abuse still continues today from JD fans. Especially after the court documents were unsealed by them; their plan backfired and showed their idol in an unfavourable light. They believe Amber supporters are bots or people hired by her PR team however, most of us choose to stay anonymous due to the disgusting behaviour from JD fans. I myself have gone through it and seen other people threatened, mocked and vilified

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