No! Why?! They closed the story, literally, in the final episode. Obi-Wan has gone away, and he should not be coming back. If he does, it’s a joke, it demeans the character going off into isolation. Vader can return, sure, there obvious points to him being around, but Ben was in isolation, and should remain so. Stop making up stories that then cross a line into making the original series worthless. Already Vader is some insanely powerful Sith we have never seen before until Rogue One. Don’t stretch it any further.
Comments for Lucasfilm Backtracks, ‘Star Wars’ “Open” to ‘Kenobi’ Season Two
Credit: Lucasfilm
Bob bob
No! Why?! They closed the story, literally, in the final episode. Obi-Wan has gone away, and he should not be coming back. If he does, it’s a joke, it demeans the character going off into isolation. Vader can return, sure, there obvious points to him being around, but Ben was in isolation, and should remain so. Stop making up stories that then cross a line into making the original series worthless. Already Vader is some insanely powerful Sith we have never seen before until Rogue One. Don’t stretch it any further.
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