Bob Chapek Will "Reset" the Disney Parks and Experiences Narrative Next Month With New Offering

Comments for Bob Chapek Will “Reset” the Disney Parks and Experiences Narrative Next Month With New Offering

disney ceo bob chapek with mickey mouse

Credit: Disney


  1. Chris

    Disney is only in a position of strength until the first dip in the economy. They are not playing the long term game right now.

    They have lost A LOT of their loyal fan base, which are the ones who have kept them running during hard economic times. I don’t think there are going to be enough left to bail Disney out this time WHEN the economy goes down and it will, as it always does in cycles.

    Right now you have people more focused on experiences than things, but when they have to choose between experiences or food on the table, it will be a different story. And they won’t already have annual passes to get them through for a bit.

    1. kurt

      Revenue Increase: US $67.418 billion (2021)
      Operating income Decrease: US $7.766 billion (2021)
      Net income Increase: US $1.995 billion (2021)
      Total assets Increase: US $203.609 billion (2021)
      Total equity Increase: US $93.011 billion (2021)

      And this is just the US.
      Really don’t think this ship will sink any time soon no matter how much trash talk goes on here.

      1. Steve

        45% valuation loss is the ship already having sunk.

        1. kurt

          They don’t need you, or me, for that matter.
          Disney will be here long after we’re gone….

          1. SFMike

            Disney parks might be here but I’ll be at Universal where they still care about visitor experience and keeping prices down.

          2. kurt

            You can’t go back.
            Oh, and I agree with you that Wizard of Oz is a great movie!

        2. Thomas Januszewski

          Hopefully, as the profits keep coming in, they can start improving customer experiences like bringing back the Disney express, & other perks that made the experience better than anywhere else.

        3. Yep and now with Biden Depression it’s going to get worst!

      2. Rroe

        Hope you enjoy the BIG PRICE Increases…….Enjoy!!

      3. Cameron Debartolo

        That’s your issue look at stock. Amazon want even making major revenue for their first like 20 years. But stock was high because people saw the potential. Trust me those numbers are hardly impressive when you look at net income especially compared to past years. I love disney too but they are deteriorating [ you know its bad when universal your competition starts doing well and instead of stepping up you say we’ll what’s good for them is good for us] there stock is proving that this is a short term company now unless they make major changes.

      4. Cameron Debartolo

        That’s your issue look at stock. Amazon wasnt even making major revenue for their first like 20 years. But stock was high because people saw the potential. Trust me those numbers are hardly impressive when you look at net income especially compared to past years. I love disney too but they are deteriorating [ you know its bad when universal your competition starts doing well and instead of stepping up you say we’ll what’s good for them is good for us] there stock is proving that this is a short term company now unless they make major changes.

        1. JT

          The Disney segment that includes its theme parks earned revenue of $13.9 billion and an operating profit of $4.2 billion in the first six months of its fiscal 2022. To put those figures into context, in its last fiscal year before the outbreak, which ended in September 2019, this same segment generated $26 billion in revenue and $6.7 billion in operating income. So despite theme parks still operating under restrictions, the segment is on pace to eclipse those 2019 results.

      5. Jose

        Financials are actually lagging indicators of what direction a company is headed towards. True that Disney revenues streams are diversified, but Business 101 teaches do not alienate your customers with political or religious public declarations. My guess is that Disney has alienated 40% to 50% of its base on this issue alone, exclusive of their insane price increases and payroll cuts.

      6. Patrick

        These numbers are comparing against a year in the height of the pandemic. Compare against 2018 and you’ll see a different story

        1. Steve

          “Compare against 2018 and you’ll see a different story” ….Nope
          Parks 2019 Rev was up over 6% over 2018.
          2022 Tracking. Tracking to make over 30 billion in 2022 vs 26 billion in 2019. So about 14% higher than 2019.

    2. Victor Nazarian

      I wonder if Chapek has some ‘dirt’ or some other leverage over the board. which he has used to promote his continued ‘leadership’ despite a slew of bad decisions that has left Disney in one of the most fragile situations in decades. Other issues have continued to making Disney more frail including pandemic response and chaotic social and political situations but Chapek‘s decisions and poor leadership have made otherwise troubled times into genuinely hazardous times for Disney’s corporate prosperity.

      1. Alan

        I think the problem is everyone just focuses on chapek. Damarro hasn’t done anything great. And i know everyone loves imaginerring but honestly they are becoming kinda lackluster. Everyone always blamed budget cuts but Bob chapek spent more then any other president of the parks,look it up and when imagineering blew like all the money on stupid crap like making the floors scenic, bob did what he was paid to do and cut the budget. I love tokyo japan as they spend whatever it takes, but honestly oriental land only real assets are parks they have to spend the money. Disney had so many different assets to protect. So do I think bob sucks yea, he’s no Walt Disney, but it’s ridiculous to say its all him when really I’d say it’s the the company in general from the board down to the cast members.

      2. Steve

        It’s the opposite. Chapel is just a goon doing the board’s work of pushing anti-guest policies and politics into everything Disney owns. Cheapek may not even know the plan is to jettison him when the going gets rough and blame him. Or maybe he does and that is why he is so well-paid.

        1. Cameron Debartolo

          Agreed thats why it’s so annoying when everyone thinks that bob leaving will fix anything. Iger was garbage too they’ll find more garbage to replace him, and there nothing that can fix the internal issues unless you restructured everything. Imagineering needs actual imagination, the board needs to focus on experience instead of politics, and the cast members need too step up there game.

    3. Jw

      Disney ruined my son’s last year marching with his high-school band. All because on one lady. Also ruined a proposal denied grand parents on to see there grand baby marching on a parade. I ain’t ever going back to many illegal things happen behind closed doors.

    4. C.f

      You don’t care about people with limited funds, I think now the parks is to expensive, what about people with not have big pockets, need to go down on prices or have a special rate for families, if you want them to return.

    5. Chris Black

      Disney lost me as a fan and a customer when they gave up a neutral entertainment stance and began injecting political and sociological positions and beliefs that are contrary to what most people with children want.

      1. Ben

        What do you mean?

    6. Shannon

      Disney has always been fine probably always will be. I don’t think the ship is going down that soon

      1. Steve

        I agree, there is no need to get in those life boats, this ship is absolutely unsinkable. Band, another song!

    7. Dawn

      I just went to Disneyland and had a horrible experience I’m a senior and the way they handle the parks now is done for teenagers who live on their phone. Everything is set up on their phone even the rides I went on two rides and left. When I say I’m a loyal Disney customer I mean I’ve been over 100 times I went there first year they opened sad but I will never come back

    8. Kayla

      They don’t need annual passholders anymore. Plenty of people are loyal to Disney and they will do just fine without them.

  2. Sad but he and the whole board needed to fired! Wrong path Bob will destroy the parks!

    1. Bridget Clement

      Needs to BRING Dining plan back!!!

      There is PLENTY of funding to Do it.

      Just bring it back already!! Geez!!!

      1. Steve

        The dining plan was never a net gain. You were losing money with it.

      2. Shelley

        I laugh when people think they saved money with the dining plan. Even with “free” dining you were paying premium prices for other things. It all balanced out.

  3. O Resident

    Disney’s and Chapek’s saving grace has been COVID. Once all of the “revenge tourism” is complete and all of the kids who were promised a Disney trip during the lockdown get their promises…

  4. Matt Brewster

    I can’t believe that we are stuck with Mr. Paycheck for THREE MORE YEARS!!!

    1. Steve

      Contracts always have an out.

  5. J

    Funny that nobody likes the parks now because they are too crowded but people also complain about the price. I wish they would double the price so it was easier to get food or on a ride there. I’m sure others want this for free but that’s not how economics work.

    1. Steve

      There was once a day where Disney didn’t oversell tickets, or would expand capacity if the parks were consistently crowded. We haven’t had a new park in 23 years, yet hotel rooms were doubled. Overselling is Disney’s scam and “people are paying” is not an excuse.

    2. Rroe

      Fear not……Disney has doubled the price on many item. How about that Coke that now Costs $5.00.

      1. Steve

        For slightly more then a Dixie cup.

        1. Steve

          Oh and no straw or a garbage paper straw (limit 1) to “save the environment” as they sell stores full of cheap plastic garbage.

  6. Steve

    Coming soon – new and exciting up charges for previously free experiences!

  7. DAH

    Disney has not done anything to make their ventures more affordable . Bring back hotel discounts and/or free dining since Disneys revenue is up 49%!

    1. Walt

      No reason for any company in the travel industry to offer discounts. Airline prices sky high and they can’t keep up with demand.
      Once revenge travel ends this fall, expect
      Disney, airlines, hotels, etc to offer discounts.

      When things slow down, people refuse to travel out of fear for the economy. If you plan and save for the slowdowns, it is by far the best experience. 43% discount during Great Recession and the parks were amazing due to low crowds.

      1. What an absolutely stupid statement is ” revenge travel” Who thought this up?

      2. Mark

        Disney is no longer the Disney for family fun. They have decided to indoctrinate children with their twisted sexual views that should be kept in the bedrooms of the executives and not presented to children whatsoever. Sick. The loony tune staff at the California location will ruin Disney World in Orlando because of their political and sexual behavior. Disney has more problems behind the scenes than most people are aware of. The happiest place on earth shouldn’t mean the gayest place on earth. Changing the skin color of popular characters is just sick. Disney’s 15 minutes of fame is fading quickly. What’s next…..a black gay Mickey Mouse and a Lesbian Mini Mouse? I wouldn’t go to Disney if it was free. And the Disney Wish is exactly that….a wish. Families can’t afford to the fuel to get to the cruise terminal in the first place. Disney has canceled the Brightline Train Station mainly because their mad about Florida law. Not too smart. In the near future Disney will be just a memory.

  8. Bob Cheapskate

    Let me guess Chapek will offer far far less for far far more money….. charge you for every step you take in the parks…. Charge yiu for breathing disney air…. And close down most of the stuff people actually loved.

  9. Park

    Time to sell my DVC. Can’t stand all this garbage anymore. No more Disney.

    1. Linda Hoerter

      We had DVC points from 1996 at OKW. Sold them in 2020, height of the pandemic for more than we paid. Best move ever.

      1. May I ask who you sold to, was it back to Disney?

  10. Dawn

    We went for my sons graduation in May. We were loyal Disney fans, however, will not return until old Bobby boy is gone! He’s a disgrace.

  11. Tennessee

    Lots of complaints. And I agree with them. Last year was the first time I ever did not enjoy my Disney vacation. However, the parks are still crowded. People ARE going nonetheless. Why? I guess we are still cycling through the millions of guests who haven’t been since the China Virus hit. Probably after another year of lower value at higher price, crowd levels may go down. But when crowd levels go down, the value goes up. So the problem is that the number of parks is the same while the nation’s population has practically doubled in the last few years. Add the millions of illegal citizens, and no wonder the parks are so crowded. I suppose it really is going to turn off not a destination only for the rich. They can have it i guess.

    1. Tennessee

      That should say, turn INTO a destination for the rich.

    2. BrianE365

      DIsney Theme Parks are marketed now to the rich and the very rich. They do not care at all about any Americans that are only middle class and below.

      1. Kevin

        They may be marketed to such people but if you have read any of the many articles on this site regarding the incredibly large crowds and the trash that is let into the parks that are starting fights (with other guests and cast members), littering, and destroying park property you would know that its not the rich and the very rich that are going. I think they should raise the prices even more to keep the Six Flags crowd out of the parks.

        1. Kevin

          Blind much? Or do you just not like the truth?

        2. Steve

          Wait until you find out how much of that behavior comes from the entitled rich brats.

        3. Teel it like it is

          I’ve worked with the rich and very rich and they are more disgusting and disrespectful than any other social class. Their
          Entitlement issues makes them feel they can act anyway and do anything they want. Money don’t make them act better just cause they have it or act worse cause they don’t. People are who they are whether they have money or not. Wealth don’t make you not trashy it just means you got money in the bank

    3. Bridget

      I LOVE DISNEY. I want to experience the New stuff.

      Just need DINING PLAN as we like to eat at Expensive places

  12. Tlaw

    3 more years of Cheapek = 0 more years of my DVC memberships.

    It was a great 20+ years! Thanks to Walt and company for making it so special.

    For the current BOD – thanks for making the sell decision for me.

    1. EricJ

      November 2004 – George W. Bush re-elected. (“But he got us through 9/11!”)

      June 2022 – Bob Chapek re-elected (“But he got us through the pandemic…Okay, so Iger was there for most of it, but TECHNICALLY he did!”)

  13. Ms M

    I am really disappointed with Genie Plus. Disney made it so difficult to plan your day. The Fastpass allowed you to pick at least three rides. You could plan most of your day weeks in advance. Now you have wait until the morning of with no guarantee you will get the ride or times you want. You can only book one ride at a time. Plus it’s not free. Standing in long lines with young kids is miserable.

    Although I disagree they should charge us to ride since the entrance fee is already high, I will still pay if they at least allow us to book multiple rides again so we can plan our day and not get up at 7am.

    Ride, go to lunch take a break at the pool come back for more rides and the fireworks. Guarantee good time without crying kids.

    Genie Plus is such a downgrade.

    1. Tennessee

      You nailed it.

  14. S

    I love chapek, the way he stood up to the racist government of Florida was amazing.

    1. Tennessee

      Yes it is good to love your neighbors and your enemies. This is good. Good job on that.

    2. Steve

      Oh, it is so confused it can’t even keep its narratives straight.

    3. Walt

      Racist government of Florida? It is truely amazing how ABSOLUTELY uninformed people are. They believe any piece of garbage. Educate yourself.

    4. Steven Brengard

      “the racist government of Florida” – Oh this should be good. How so? Please explain.

      1. Kevin

        Obviously its because S doesn’t believe parents should have any rights in raising their children he/she/it believes Florida is “racist” because they disagree.

        1. Brooke

          I was really hoping they wouldn’t renew his contract. He has made SO many bad decisions in his short time as CEO. The Walt Disney Company needs
          to listen to consumers and pick better leader and Disney fans deserve a better CEO who won’t price gouge and drag the company Walt Disney started down to the ground.

    5. P

      Yeah amazing, lost Reedy Creek and most Floridians love DeSantis. I guess that’s why they stopped Brightline to DS. Would never get approval now.

  15. EricJ

    With Chapek, it’s hard to tell whether “Reset the narrative for guest experiences” means:

    1) Bring back a rebranded FastPass and loudly pretend Genie+ never happened,
    2) Six new themed restaurants on the Wish (and pretend construction delays never happened),
    3) Year-round $199 VIP event-nights, or
    4) Two new DVC buildings in every resort, even All-Star Sports.

    1. Steve

      Everything on 4, dealer!

    2. DonB

      As 20+ year highly invested DVC members, we have sadly realized we no longer believe in the Disney “ magic “. We loved everything “ Disney “ and typically went to WDW 3-4 times per year from our Pennsylvania home. It’s all changed since Chapek took over. We lost our Annual Pass discount, the “ reservation system blows “ the added costs for less food and the Genie+ idiocy , along with having to be on our $&?! Phone at 7 am to plan our park days was enough. But after calling DVC to ask when our lost benefits might come back , the final insult was the DVC Cast Member telling me “ you are no longer the demographic Disney is focusing on “. The End.

    3. P

      Nah, just make it even more expensive to come to the parks. As he stated only want the Rich.

  16. CP

    A big fat NOPE! Boooo. 👎🏼

  17. Fifi

    People are going to Disney because of how they remember it to be, not how it is now. Once they have that bad experience, they will not return and the surge in visitors post pandemic finishes, there will be far fewer people going to Disney and spending money and revenues will drop and the Board will realise that the “Magic” is gone and so are the paying customers. It all makes me very sad as I have been at my happiest whilst in the parks and I dont want that to change.

  18. Chris

    The Wish ship has little to do with the parks experience. This won’t reset the narrative that going to the parks has- finally- become too costly- and too confusing/ complicated/ unwieldly to navigate the apps.

  19. Robert "Ironman" Downey

    You would have the fastest day 2 as a CEO. They would fire you. Getting rid of the intellectual properties would not solve anything. Getting rid of the greedy money people that just want you cash, will. Paycheck and the board are what is wrong with all corp America. “Bleed them dry” mentality. Bring back fast pass (only if you are int he park that day, no advanced reservations)…get rid of the reservation system…it makes it way to busy. No Genie + !!! Bring back Free Dining for hotel guests…Focus on cleanliness and ride maint. at least.

  20. Robert "Ironman" Downey

    My wife and I bought 400 DVC points right before Iger left. I wish I had saved my money. Now I OWE DVC a bunch and while I do love the hotel we chose, the experience at the parks as to cost and rides is Meh. We have a few years left in us for Disney..hopefully when the numbers plummet, Board will terminate Paycheck. All that money he makes for killing the parks…sad. Iger was able to build BOTH sides of the business at the same time…Iger was a true professional and not a cheap car salesman like Paycheck.

  21. Don

    Bob hasn’t done anything special except raise the prices on everything. Most people had plans before the pandemic and are ready to get out so when they get there they experience what his changes are. Of course you’re going to have record profits once they get there and find out what they have to spend. I am a Florida resident and I have not renewed my season passes and I have canceled my Disney streaming. Most of this is from his woke attitudes and trying to get involved in Florida law. Also the last few times we went was very expensive and I’m just not gonna pay that kind of money just to eat and walk around . It’s ridiculous the prices that he’s charging on things and I don’t see it getting any better again. Disney has lost me and I know a lot of others to. With the high prices of everything else people have to have gas and food before they go to Disney. It will catch up with them unfortunately it didn’t before they renewed Bob’s contract which again I feel like he is not the man that needs to be at the helm for Disney . The magic is definitely gone and I know Walt would be stroking out right now if he knew what was happening to his company. I would hope some of the Disney airs would have a bigger voice in this and speak up.

  22. Kevin

    Its not the “don’t say gay” bill. Its the Parental Rights in Education Bill. Stop pushing your agenda into articles that have nothing to do with it, ITM. Just stick to the subject.

  23. CJ

    No thanks to Walt Disney Company Board Members more interested in profits over Customer Experiences, you still have a Cheapskate (Corporate Bean Counter) in charge for 3 more years …. and you will see less interest from Consumers!

    Expect to “pay more for less experiences” at Walt Disney Theme Parks … so choose wisely, because I agree with everyone who’s come to the conclusion that there are better places to visit and spend your dollars!

    This household will gladly invest in more time at Knott’s Berry Farm … will leave Disneyland and DCA to all you Disney sheep!

  24. Ree

    We canceled our annual passes during the pandemic and we are not interested in making the BOD of Disney richer, so we are staying away. We are FL residents and have been going to Disney before a lot of you were born. We have seen a lot of good and a lot of bad but the current push to keep everyone out except the 1% is the worse it’s ever been. Thank God there is a lot more the world has to offer other than Disney.

  25. Candy

    For all the ones calling everyone idiots because Disneys revenue is high right now, well gonna burst your bubble. The crowds will dissipate in a few month once the 50th celebration is over, now that people are able to get out (post covid) and vacations paid, planned for but postponed are now happening. Once this year ends, we will see Disney start failing! There is almost no magic left in the parks, the CMs seem pretty miserable. It feels like any other theme park now. The rides are constantly having issues. They obviously are just band-aiding the issue and not taking care of the rides, and it’s pretty gross, dirty. Plus all the price increases. They are literally for for everything they can. I wouldn’t be surprised that parking will cost APs when the new prices come out. Disney is just not Disney any more. We have a AP that expires in September, not sure if we will renew for a downgraded pass or not. We had a AP pre covid and the way APs were treated was night and day. But Disney in 2019 still had a bit of magic.
    With inflation just continuing to sky rocket, we are in the beginning of a recession, I wouldn’t doubt we will face a depression as well. Right now people still have money but soon that money will dry out and people will have to put food on the table over going to an over priced parked. I mean some people might want the “happiness” and over extend, but credit cards will go so far and take you so far….. we thought 2008 was bad…. Just wait this is going to be far worse and last much longer. I saw my city go bankrupt due to 2008. Pretty sure we will see more this time.
    So for now yes Disney will continue to rake in the money. But once the “celebrations” are complete and people are dried out financially, we can all say buh bye to Disney. It will be a place for only the rich. Which I’m sure since they have no qualms of shutting down a park for just themselves anyways…. For those who don’t follow economics/history etc. will probably laugh and even ridicule or make fun of the comment have no idea. But soon they will find out what inflation does to the economy!

  26. Walt

    Chapek isn’t the problem. The throngs of moronic nobodies all piling into the parks and throwing their wallets at Disney while defending every money grab and creative flop are the real issue. The people standing four hours in line for a popcorn bucket are the problem.

    Chapek is just riding the trend, and the shareholders are loving it… after all, that’s what Disney is about is making billions of dollars. Why does a theme park company need billions of dollars anyway? Disney in during the 90s wasn’t perfect, but it was a hell of a lot better than this!

  27. Michael

    “[His] guest-centric approach focuses on ensuring that every aspect of an experience is uniquely Disney and exceeds guest expectations.”

    Looking out for all guests’ well being, Bob Ch(e)apek had ensured that no guests parking at Epcot or Hollywood Studios will be able to ride a tram to the park entrance. “Have you seen some of our guests?” Ch(e)apek said. “They really need to walk off that churro!”

  28. P

    That will never happen as the board always will have more than all the shareholders put together. Unless you get a board member(s) with you, think Roy O Disney it will be fruitless.

  29. Dan

    Middle class will be completely priced out of Disney in about 2 years, perhaps even sooner if the coming recession is bad. So it will soon be a premium destination for only the rich. However, will the rich continue to come back over and over again?

    1. Steve

      The rich can afford to go to better destinations than Cheapek World.

  30. Rik

    If Disney wants to improve their bottom line (profits), they need to stay out of politics! America has changed. The culture have changed. They need to stick with providing a ‘Magical Experience’ without singling out any particular family make up, race, color, etc. As we’ve seen, this contributed to their drop in market and cause un-needed spotlight on the company. Politics divide people. Stick to what’s important, having fun!

  31. L

    Disney Wish and other ships – when will testing and vaccinations mandates be removed. Not sailing until then.
    Company Wide – why the need to push the LGBTQ+ Trans agenda? Children need to be left alone in that area. Gender and sex questions are adult issues. Already boycotting Lightyear.

    1. Hailey

      Lol, ok B00mer

      1. Kevin

        Whatever Millennial. As if anybody takes anything your generation has to say seriously.

      2. Steve

        Ageist bigot.


    Big mistake keeping this dirtbag.

  33. Travis Weberling

    The problem I have with Cheapek’s performance so far as been that he actually lowered the portion sizes for the food they sell at the parks, & kept the prices of the food the same or raised it. If Disney as a company isn’t careful, with how they’re always raising ticket prices & etc, the only people that’ll afford to go is the upper 1%.

  34. kathy atwood

    Can hardly wait to see how much more this clown gouges people.

  35. Holly

    Of course they are doing well under Chapek, he is gouging the Disney goers to death! And it’s not too magical having to stay glued to your phone while trying to enjoy the park!

  36. What an absolutely stupid statement is ” revenge travel” Who thought this up?

  37. Cr

    Cool. I want to read it.

  38. David

    “guest-centric”? That doesn’t belong in the same sentence as Bob Chapek.

    1. Steve

      He is very centered on ripping off guests.

  39. Disney has gotten so expensive im sad to say I can’t afford to take my 10 Grandkids like we used to do every year when they were born we try loyally attractions but I have to say we Enjoyed Disney

  40. Pam

    What did he do, BUY himself 3 more years 😡 worst decision ever Disney

  41. Disney has outpriced itself from the average middle class American family. It is too expensive and thus the onky people that will be abke to go will be the privileged. Why can’t they make it more reasonable! Sad. Greedy. Sad and greedy.

  42. K. W. M.

    Just got back from a 5 day trip to Disney W. Stayed on property, 4 adults, basically spent over 5k. Hope you have deep pockets because this was absolutely ridiculous for us. We went to celebrate a wedding for people we love, otherwise we would have skipped it. Seriously, 5.50 for a bottle of water? Free watering stations, but where were they? Now add in the fact that we rode no more than 3 rides, only one in Hollywood Studios, because after standing in line for over 3 hours for the millennium falcon, thankfully the other Star Wars ride was down and my son was okay with leaving. Now, we were also able to drive for free, so that cost is not included. We did not eat any sit down meals, except the wedding and it was free. Thanks, but no thanks! Won’t be back unless things dramatically change.

  43. April

    Walt Disney is rolling over in his grave, to see what’s been done to his dream. He wanted this park(s) to be for everyone and not just for the rich. Prices continue to climb, with no returns. (No Disney Dining Plan, no free transportation from the airport, and the Disney Genie system is a nightmare, etc. etc). It’s fast becoming a place that only the rich can afford. So sad.

  44. Theo

    Disney parks are overpriced now and the customer service is horrendous. For the life of me I can’t figure out why people would spend so much money on this place. The movie quality has also gone down the drain. This has been Disney worst CEO to date.

  45. Chuck

    Disney is on a serious downhill slide, and if you call the Parents Rights in Education Bill then”Don’t say gay bill”, you’re part of the problem.

  46. Melanie

    I took my 5 year old grand-nephew to Disneyland and California Adventure in late April to early May of this year. I have never been so disappointed. The parks are dirty. The restrooms were filthy. I saw 2 restroom attendants over the 5 days we were in the parks, so that may be the reason the restrooms were so dirty. The food was outrageously expensive. I spent $5 less to get chicken tenders, fries, and salad for 3 in Cars Land than I did at the Italian restaurant. Lines in stores and restaurants were long due to insufficient staffing. The parks were crowded enough that my feet were run over by strollers & mobility scooters. And to top it off, on our 1st day in the parks, a cast member yelled at me when I politely asked him if there was a program for children with special needs. The first time he yelled I couldn’t understand him but the second time all I heard was “D A S – go get D A S!” I wasn’t in a loud area and the cast member yelled loudly enough for everyone around me to turn their heads and step back.

    For the amount spent on 5 park hoppers for 3 people, we did not get the Disney experience I have had in the past. I’ve been going to the parks since I was 6 years old, and the experiences from this last trip are enough to keep me from going back until I know the parks are in better condition, have better staffing, and lose the attitude that Disney is all about getting as much money for as little in return as possible.

    As far as I am concerned, Chapek should be forced to work as a cast member on garbage patrol and paid the low wages cast members receive, and if he doesn’t change his mind about all the cuts to device after raising prices, he needs to be fired.

    I’m sure Walt is turning in his grave over what Chapek has done to the parks.

  47. Bob

    Cool story bro!

  48. Steve

    Chapel needs to undo everything he has done. Get rid of Genie +, park reservations, resale restrictions on Rivera and future DVC properties. Bring back annual passes for DVC owners. Stay out of politics. Cater to the American Family. Every executive at Disney should ask themselves everyday, “What Would Walt Do?” It ain’t Chapek World it’s Walt Disney World.

  49. Dave Riccitelli

    Disney is a disgrace ! Since your focusing on the new ship will there be Drag Queen story hour in your new woke agenda? How about same sex kisses? I don’t want my kids subjected to this garbage, you lost a customer. And Disney plus too. Walt is turning over in his grave with the crap you are doing. I don’t want to have to explain to my kids all the stuff kids don’t need to know when they are young. Stop being groomers, that’s what Disney has become..

  50. Poodle Tabby

    “His guest-centric approach”??? How could anybody claim Chapek is guest centric?

  51. Rya

    Fire Bob Paycheck!

  52. Robyn

    Paying full-timer for $15 an hour in the state of Florida is ridiculous.

    This is not a small mom and pop shop or a locally franchise.

    This is Disney with record income and a significant decrease in cost’s.

    I don’t care how rich the top executives are or how many homes they have. But apparently they are very rich, don’t be so friggin stingy. You have enough money for the next 3+ generations in your family

  53. Rich

    We will be on the Wish 7/22. We’re staying at WDW’s Animal Kingdom for 4 nights prior to the cruise. My wife of 47 yrs and I plus our 2 children and 3 grandchildren are all looking forward to all of it.

  54. bob

    i have basically sold all my disney stock and will not be investing in anything disney does, the disney board may have confidence in mr chapel but as a disney customer i don’t . Once people have used all there accumulated points and this 50th anniversary is over which was a dud i think disney will have a tough time securing a crowd , i intense to use my points elswahere,

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