"Hundreds" of Abuse Survivors Fear Defamation Suits, Withdraw Public Statements After Depp Verdict - Inside the Magic

Comments for “Hundreds” of Abuse Survivors Fear Defamation Suits, Withdraw Public Statements After Depp Verdict

johnny depp (right) and amber heard (left) on red carpet

Credit: ABC


  1. Victor Nazarian

    Defamation means the public statements that are not true and harm someone. People who make public statements really only have to worry if it can be proven that they have willfully spread lies for the purposes of hurting someone else, as Amber Hurd was proven to have done.

    To put this in perspective, I myself have been the victim of both physical violence and sexual abuse. I am not afraid to say so.

  2. Becky Jarrett

    Its time abused men like Johnny Depp have a voice. My son endured physical abuse by his wife. Guilt without proof is wrong. Heard lied, made up disgusting stores of fake sexual abuse with no evidence. Innocent until proven guilty must now be the norm.
    Heard has shown the world the statement hell hath no fury like the anger of a narcissists women who wants to destroy a man using her verbal lies. The world now sees the lengths some women will go to for revenge. Justice was given to Johnny Depp.

  3. Shel

    Mr. Depp, with all of my heart, thank you for sharing your heart. It doesn’t get more real than that. I truly felt it. Inspired by your amazing team (family), standing with you, fighting for truth. So proud of every one of you for making what seems impossible possible.
    A little early but don’t want to miss. I wish you the best and biggest Happy Birthday ever. I hope you get your birthday wish. Always Love❤️

    1. Shel

      Watched a you tube video of Mr. Depp singing a song about home. Nothing in the universe is as adorable as you are in that moment. Absolutely love that song.

      1. Tom

        The writer of this article is pure trash. Depp won fair and square and now this Heard-funded damage control attempt wants to say that this case equates all women who are abused to be brushed aside? What a garbage notion. Amber was caught red-handed and justice was served. Instead of paying for damage control with her new PR team she needs to find a way to pay her VICTIM what he’s OWED.

      2. Shel

        So true Tom. Victims of abuse, regardless of gender or preference, are faced with giant barriers. There is a wide manipulation of the court system when it comes to using temporary restraining orders to obtain custody of a child or an advantageous divorce settlement. Mr. Depp showed the world what true victims of abuse go through EVERY SINGLE DAY. It truly is a fight for their life.

  4. Kelly

    As a DV survivor she gave all of us true survivors a bad name she did nothing but lie
    and exaggerate her” abuse “ with doctored photos , I still have my medical records from 29 years ago she has none, because of my real abuse I was given a Permanent TRO it still did not stop him. I hade to move 2000 miles away and I still received phone calls . So as to striking a blow to the #metoo no a blow was struck for people who would lie under oath for their own personal gain.

  5. PAM

    Why on earth would women be afraid to speak the truth? Ms Heard lied and was caught in lies several times while under oath. I’m sorry but it just proves the point she was a gold digging fame hunger witch. No one marries a man who abuses them they leave when they are able and she was able.

  6. Nicholas Johnston

    I am happy that he spoke up about his abuse now hopefully more men will do the same. Real abuse victims shouldn’t be afraid this should make them want to fight harder to win their case against the people who abused them

  7. Erika

    Real victims of sexual or domestic abuse should not to be worry. This types of articles are just trying to control damages from her team.
    Have some decency and stop taking the flag of victims!!

  8. CalledIt

    johnny depp is just a white privileged bigot!

    1. A

      Do you have any facts to back that up? Or as you just using inflammatory language to get a reaction?

    2. J Hamm

      Ooohhhh, somebody’s jealous of Johnny’s success…..Great job of bringing race into this which had no racism before you brought it up 🙄

    3. drew who

      And you are a racist for bringing his race into the conversation when it has nothing to do with the topic .

  9. Chau

    Defamation was awarded in this case because Heard was caught lying multiple tines to the jury. If anything, she’s the one who made it harder for DV victims. It’s a shame your writer doesn’t understand the details of the case which was fully televised btw!

  10. Melissa

    The jury found heard lied all the way around, including being a victim….the only victim in this case was Depp…..shame on those who think only women are victims of dv and not men …..if people are worried about suits,they perhaps should only tell the truth…if their claim is real, then they have no reasons to worry…

  11. Chau

    Boycotting Insider

  12. Mark

    This is disgusting, the Prime Minister of the United States should step in and stop this from happening.

    1. drew who

      “The Prime Minister of the United States” lol

      I think you will find such an office does not exist in the USA . They have a president not a Prime Minister .

      I thought pretty much everyone on the planet knew that but I guess there are always exceptions to the rule .

      1. S1

        Once I become the prime minister of the United States, i will take over Disney and make it great again.

  13. drew who

    If people are dropping their allegations out of fear of defamation the chances are they were either not telling the truth or exaggerating the severity of incidents in the first place .

    1. Teresa

      I was just about to say the same thing.

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