If you want to wear a masks that’s you choice and if you do t that’s your choice. Leave it up the the person. Not the government. We are not puppets. You do t here the other 2 theme parks complain like Disney does about money. And that’s Bc they have no mask mandates
Disney please enforce masks indoors and out. Not only will “Florida Man” be there as evident from comments above, but also people who traveled from all over the world. There will be an increase in new COVID cases and they could be laughing, talking and coughing in YOUR air space!
I’m vaccinated and wearing my mask so I don’t fear any airborne virus. I just want COVID to go away and that won’t happen if people keep catching it!
The reason for mask mandate in inside is because of close space. Being in que lines, is deemed masks mandatory. Otherwise people have the option to go mask free. This should be the updated policy
Maybe, you should stop listening to the BS the media is feeding you. If they reported on all the deaths every flu season like they purposely are doing with this virus, people like you would be freaking out over that too.
Wow, soooo many adult children lol. “Disney won’t get a CENT from me until they don’t MAKE ME wear a mask!!” Waaaaaaa!!
You know what? Go ahead and take your marbles and go home then! No wonder it’s not hard to believe the younger generations are growing up a lot smarter than all you “adults”! SMH.
I just bought 4 annual passes at Universal Studios 🙂
You sound like a very angry, emotional child. Maybe you should take off your mask to let some oxygen get to your brain because the decay is starting to show…
LOL, for all of the “adults” that keep “threatening” not to visit the parks, I can promise you first-hand that the parks are as packed as ever. So, no, you’re NOT missed. Go and have yourself an AWESOME day at universal, no mask and all!
Exactly. Why should we give a company OUR money when it’s OUR decision, if we aren’t comfortable? You’re really the one who’s crying here. Go back home if you’re scared of a virus. Then that way you won’t get it.
If they are “vaccinated” they should be protected. Why do they live in fear of a virus and of people that are making their own decisions in a free country?! Stay home and cower in your safe space.
Exactly… we live in an upside down world. Lol obviously the shut downs, the masks and even the jab don’t work. The fact that California’s rate are double that of Florida proves it. One state shut down and extreme measures, vax passports and masks (California) vs an open state where it’s your choice to wear a mask and life is normal. Hmmm you think people would start seeing that the masks don’t work, the shutdowns and mandates don’t work and the jab doesn’t either….
Agree 100%. The media (especially social media) have been spreading panic and fear about COVID long enough.
Let’s all get back to normal! If you are vaccinated, GREAT! If you are not vaccinated, GREAT!
Why should they fear a virus? Because of self centered entitled Karen’s like yourself who would BE the ones at Disneyland maskless and coughing all over everything just because you want to “prove a point”. Bottom line, you don’t wanna follow Disney’s rules? DONT. Stay away. I PROMISE you, Disney does NOT miss you!!
Amen! Just got home from a disney vacay last week (started at Universal) and it was SUCH a pain to HAVE to wear a mask any time you walked through a door. Much easier at Universal. Just Ridiculous – and totally unhelpful. I prefer to actually be able to breathe, thanks. COVID isn’t going away any time soon – let people choose – so tired of this crap!
LOL!!!!! COVID is the LEAST of your worries at Disney. There are so many other germs floating around…..but you worry about the vaccinated people (who carry a higher COVID viral load and can still spread COVID).
I’m going to Disney and having fun just like I did BEFORE the plandemic!
My family is hoping the mask requirement will be removed before our trip in January. Here’s to hoping Disney “follows the science” of the CDC. Everyone who wants to wear a facemark is welcome to continue, but there is no reason to force others who are comfortable making their own choice for their own body.
Bob chapek wants your money and for you to stay away. He will probably keep the mandates to keep vaccinated guests feeling uncomfortable and unwelcomed as much as possible. Please sign the petition at change.org to fire bob chapek. He is destroying the magic and the guest experience
Interesting perspective. My family has been going to Disney for years, and this last trip was the most unfriendly, customer service nightmare we have ever experienced. Zero magic, and lots of just plain rude cast members. Was definitely not expecting that!
We cancelled our Disney trip and booked at Universal instead. Disney has lost all of it’s magic and isn’t worth it anymore. I refuse to wear a mask on vacation. Science says they are useless.
I assume you also Dont change your underwear then?? Wearing a clean mask to keep trashy entitled people from spitting all over me is NOT THAT HARD OF A CONCEPT. I know it’s a BIG concept to some of you, which makes me wonder about your hygiene in general. SMH.
VDog moron. You know darn well that most everyone at Disney has ONE mask that they wear all day long. They are filthy after an hour. But you go ahead and keep wearing your face diaper everywhere you go if you need your security blanket. News flash: nobody is wearing masks anywhere except airplanes, schools (poor kids), and of course Disney.
Pretty sure the doctors that take care of COVID patients where a mask…should probably tell you something. Maybe they are all sheep and part of the conspiracy to oppress everyone.
We are local to WDW, and honestly it’s ridiculous that its the only park w masks at all. But there are too many big money players that want masks so therefore Disney will bow to them. What they claim to have done for the “health and safety of our guests” is raise prices, remove magic, and lose all entertainment. Bare bones operation at the moment and it shows. It is dirty there. Rides are breaking down far more than ever, and its half of what it used to be. Yes it’s Disney but it’s awful walking in and people saying “I would rather have 1/2 of Disney than no Disney at all”… ok u got it!
Lose the masks and go back to normal. But if they lose masks w out all the entertainment, people will see its not about health and safety… its the bottom line.
Actually you are wrong. It is Mayor Demungs who us bowing down to Disney about the mask. He is giving it up because DeSantis is suing Demings over the mask and vaccine mandates.
As so many have said here, drop the masks mandates. They don’t work! Proof look at one of the most locked down stages, California, they have vax passports, mask mandates, and shutdowns still and their numbers are double of Florida. Florida is wide open, masks are optional and vax is optional, numbers are down. Even with all the tourists…. It’s time people have the choice!
Florida has one of the lowest rates of infections anywhere. I hope they decide to drop all mask mandates and leave it to their guests to decide if they want to wear a mask or not.
I just don’t understand why people are upset at the thought of getting rid of the mask mandate. As a vaccinated person I should be free to not wear a mask. If they remove the mandate anyone who wants to can still wear a mask anytime they want.
Unless they’re going to start requiring proof of vaccination in lieu of masks, even though I am vaccinated, I still dont want trashy, entitled people all up in front of me spittiling all over the place. Some adults are really showing that they have no sense of boundaries and some are even doing it to pick fights. So yeah, for right now, I definitely feel safer with Disney making you wear masks in crowded areas. Even if it means that some people will “stay away”, it’s actually gonna be the kind of people who SHOULD be staying away from Disney parks. Don’t like it?? bye bye, off to”universal” with you!
Wear you mask everywhere if you feel safer. But to call other people entitled, trashy, spitting all over the place is a childish exaggeration and is hateful and rude. Wear a mask forever if you like.
We have already canceled two planed family get togethers at disneyworld. I know that loosing 25 four day passes and Grand Floridian rooms are not a big deal for disneyworld, but we will not be going back until there are no more masks anywhere.
Drop the mask mandate, PLEASE!! We are coming in Dec/Jan with two hearing impaired people and the masks are SO hard for us!! Let those who want to wear them continue, but let the rest of us be free!!
I and my immediate family believe in the masks. We have had 6 members of our family that did not believe in vaccinating or masks, DIE from Covid. When they were so sick, every one of them said they should have worn masks, been vaccinated, and listened to the doctors. Too late now. They will never see Disney, or the holidays with family.
I also like wearing masks because I have not had the flu or a cold in 2 years. It’s great.
We are leaving for Disney tomorrow. Hopefully masking is in place for indoors, even though my husband and I have also had our boosters, we are concerned, as we are 70. Six other members of the family are coming with us, and are all vaccinated and will wear masks. Not vaccinating or wearing masks is just dangerous. Do what you want. My dad and husband fought for just this reason, a free country, and you don’t have to listen to science, but I surely hope you do, because I don’t want anyone else to get sick or die.
I’m sorry you lost loved ones. Sadly, we live in a world where we can not avoid sickness and death, no matter how hard we try. However, if you would take the time do any research/reading beyond cnn/msnbc, you would see that neither masking nor vaccines have had ANY efficacy in slowing the spread of Covid. Also, Covid is now endemic in the USA and the entire world, it will NEVER, go away. The good news is we now have treatments and natural immunity on our side. Will people still die, yes. But fewer each year. Your best bet is to leave the masks in the trash, exercise, eat well, and enjoy the days your have. Disney is no place for masks or mandates. You have swallowed the lie that you have control, I hope you will have the humility to recognize it. You’ll enjoy your days so much more.
Wow, what a worthy and noble kind gesture of you to tell this person who has love many to this disease that what she feels is right to protect herself and others for now at least is a total lie and trash news. … I bet you’re also the kind of “human” that believes that YOUR American way is the ONLY way, and YOUR God is the only God that matters. What a shock. SMFH.
There is only one God and it is loving and giving and kind and non judgemental. Is that not the GOD THAT YOU BELIEVE IN THEN? just wondering why you refer to God as someone else’s God? As it is the same God as yours!
You are correct. I am beginning to think that everyone believes that before 2020 no one died of sickness because it was not paraded in front of them on the news every day.
God Bless you Beverly in your losses.
As a veteran and age 69, I an no longer concerned about Covid.
If wearing your mask makes you feel safer, I hope you do so.
Wahhh Wahhhhh,
I have to wear a mask. I can’t breathe if I wear a mask. I’m a child and I can’t be responsible and help my fellow humans get through this.
Grow Up, you people are the reason this has gone on as long as it has.
First…FIRE Bob Chapek…he SUCKS as Disney’s leader. I, for one, living in Orlando will now buy season passes to SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Tampa. I have Universal passes now. Expiring end of year. WAS going to buy Disney annual passes but til they stop this mask mandate foolishness…SCREW them! I’m vaccinated and never get sick. I refuse to walk around a park all day especially over the hot, humid months in Florida.
We will not go to Disneyland or Disneyworld until they lift the mask requirement. They should ask to see proof you were tested in the last 36 hours or proof of vacinne.
We are really sick of the mask and the rude cast members – Disney “Magic” is a thing of the past. We are on our last few months of our annual passes and will not renew. Masks, rude cast members, and now pay-to-play fast passes (Genie I believe it is called) make the experience nothing special.
Cases are down and Disney is the only park requiring masks. Either the vaccine works or it doesn’t. If it does, no need to worry about unmasked, unvaccinated people. Tired of the fear mongering. It’s almost 2 years now, time to move on.
The CDC does not dictate mandates to our Florida counties. All restrictions and mandates in Florida are illegal as of July 1, 2021. We all went to Legoland today and hardly anyone is even wearing masks there. The people and the states have more power than the federal government.
Hi. First, and most importantly, we should be able to give our opinions on this subject in a “peaceful” manner.
Next, people should be able to do as they want in a “peaceful” manner.
Having said that, my opinion is, the government has provided us more than enough information in the past (almost) 2 years to make informed decisions for ourselves and our family.
I have 3 grandchildren who are nurses. It is my understanding that the only masks that are (somewhat) effective are the ones that cost $100+ (can’t remember the name). All the rest are social statements and for looks (perhaps providing some protection).
I am 69 and supposedly in the “at risk” category. I have taken both shots (1 and 2) and do not plan to take any more. I am not afraid of Covid, nor any other disease. Just trying to keep myself in good shape and take my vitamins.
Like so many others, I hope Disney relaxes the mask mandate (in any area) permanently and let people come and do as they please.
As an annual visitor (normally in February), I will NOT return until the mask mandate is removed.
But, he biggest threat to our enjoying Disney again is not Covid, but the horrible, WOKE-ridden leadership and decision makers at WDW.
They are also ruining the look of Epcot, which at one time – was a unique and beautiful theme park. Schools would take students there due to its “informational” nature. But, no more…
However, that is another subject.
I hope everyone can go when they want, and “mask” as they want (or not) without ridicule or problems.
At one time, WDW was a magical place. But the “mask debate” and very poor leadership decisions at Disney is on its way to destroying what was a wonderful, peaceful place to go – even for an old guy like me…
God Bless to you all!
The only places where people wear masks are airplanes, schools (poor kids) and indoors at Disney. Everywhere else is open and free for people to choose for themselves, as it should be.
I don’t mind the masks for myself however I think there should be exceptions for those who are medically unable or for those who are intellectually disabled and can not understand why they have to keep it on.
We are here now and the mask craziness is too much. They have empowered employees to be tyrants and many are which causes fights in line and destroys the experience. Universal’s approach is much better. We are disappointed in Disney from the masks to the terrible genie+. They have ruined the magic to be woke.
It was unnecessary to revert back to indoor mandates after they had already been lifted. Now that the county emergency order expired, please go back to masks optional everywhere including Disney Springs.
Comments for CDC Updates Mask Mandates For Orange County, Will Disney Comply?
Yen Sid
Won’t be renewing our annual passes until the mandate is completely lifted.
Good for you! I hope you are sharing your opinion with Disney.
If you want to wear a masks that’s you choice and if you do t that’s your choice. Leave it up the the person. Not the government. We are not puppets. You do t here the other 2 theme parks complain like Disney does about money. And that’s Bc they have no mask mandates
Disney please enforce masks indoors and out. Not only will “Florida Man” be there as evident from comments above, but also people who traveled from all over the world. There will be an increase in new COVID cases and they could be laughing, talking and coughing in YOUR air space!
I’m vaccinated and wearing my mask so I don’t fear any airborne virus. I just want COVID to go away and that won’t happen if people keep catching it!
Benjamin Collins
The reason for mask mandate in inside is because of close space. Being in que lines, is deemed masks mandatory. Otherwise people have the option to go mask free. This should be the updated policy
Denise B.
Maybe, you should stop listening to the BS the media is feeding you. If they reported on all the deaths every flu season like they purposely are doing with this virus, people like you would be freaking out over that too.
Stephanie Pena
Buy at Universal!!! It has been much better…I bought Disney for Christmas Day but hopefully will drop the mask thing or I will have to sell
Wow, soooo many adult children lol. “Disney won’t get a CENT from me until they don’t MAKE ME wear a mask!!” Waaaaaaa!!
You know what? Go ahead and take your marbles and go home then! No wonder it’s not hard to believe the younger generations are growing up a lot smarter than all you “adults”! SMH.
Yen Sid
I just bought 4 annual passes at Universal Studios 🙂
You sound like a very angry, emotional child. Maybe you should take off your mask to let some oxygen get to your brain because the decay is starting to show…
LOL, for all of the “adults” that keep “threatening” not to visit the parks, I can promise you first-hand that the parks are as packed as ever. So, no, you’re NOT missed. Go and have yourself an AWESOME day at universal, no mask and all!
James Balderrama
Thanks for the laugh 😉
Exactly. Why should we give a company OUR money when it’s OUR decision, if we aren’t comfortable? You’re really the one who’s crying here. Go back home if you’re scared of a virus. Then that way you won’t get it.
Gern Blanston
If the mandate gets completely lifted I know MANY vaccinated families who will not return until COVID risk is more drastically lessened.
If they are “vaccinated” they should be protected. Why do they live in fear of a virus and of people that are making their own decisions in a free country?! Stay home and cower in your safe space.
Exactly… we live in an upside down world. Lol obviously the shut downs, the masks and even the jab don’t work. The fact that California’s rate are double that of Florida proves it. One state shut down and extreme measures, vax passports and masks (California) vs an open state where it’s your choice to wear a mask and life is normal. Hmmm you think people would start seeing that the masks don’t work, the shutdowns and mandates don’t work and the jab doesn’t either….
No, people would not see it that way. That way requires some level of thinking and thats too tough for many people.
Agree 100%. The media (especially social media) have been spreading panic and fear about COVID long enough.
Let’s all get back to normal! If you are vaccinated, GREAT! If you are not vaccinated, GREAT!
Why should they fear a virus? Because of self centered entitled Karen’s like yourself who would BE the ones at Disneyland maskless and coughing all over everything just because you want to “prove a point”. Bottom line, you don’t wanna follow Disney’s rules? DONT. Stay away. I PROMISE you, Disney does NOT miss you!!
Yen Sid
Stay home if you’re scared. Don’t make everyone else comply with nonsensical, useless masks.
No, ACTUALLY, YOU stay at home if you can’t follow Disney’s rules. We WONT miss you!
Amen! Just got home from a disney vacay last week (started at Universal) and it was SUCH a pain to HAVE to wear a mask any time you walked through a door. Much easier at Universal. Just Ridiculous – and totally unhelpful. I prefer to actually be able to breathe, thanks. COVID isn’t going away any time soon – let people choose – so tired of this crap!
LOL!!!!! COVID is the LEAST of your worries at Disney. There are so many other germs floating around…..but you worry about the vaccinated people (who carry a higher COVID viral load and can still spread COVID).
I’m going to Disney and having fun just like I did BEFORE the plandemic!
Ken Brenner
And, that would be their choice – which I respect.
My family is hoping the mask requirement will be removed before our trip in January. Here’s to hoping Disney “follows the science” of the CDC. Everyone who wants to wear a facemark is welcome to continue, but there is no reason to force others who are comfortable making their own choice for their own body.
Here’s something you may not know – the CDC and OSHA and the rest of them are NOT “following the science”, they are following THEIR “science”…..
Bob chapek wants your money and for you to stay away. He will probably keep the mandates to keep vaccinated guests feeling uncomfortable and unwelcomed as much as possible. Please sign the petition at change.org to fire bob chapek. He is destroying the magic and the guest experience
Interesting perspective. My family has been going to Disney for years, and this last trip was the most unfriendly, customer service nightmare we have ever experienced. Zero magic, and lots of just plain rude cast members. Was definitely not expecting that!
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
K.C. Cooper
The “OC Health Care Agency” you linked to is for Orange County, California.
Orange County, Florida, does not have any mask mandate.
The entire State of Florida does not have a mask mandate.
But Demings does what ever he wants.
We cancelled our Disney trip and booked at Universal instead. Disney has lost all of it’s magic and isn’t worth it anymore. I refuse to wear a mask on vacation. Science says they are useless.
Great idea! Although so many people are going to Universal instead of Disney, so it’s becoming really crowded. 😉
Kevin H
Education shows you’re an idiot.
Universal has BOTH a mask and vaccine mandate.
Not Universal Orlando. Neither a vaccine or mask are required.
Gern Blanston
“…I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means”
– Inigo Montoya
So this is what natural selection looks like…lol
Masks are a sham. Disney should remove the requirement permanently and be done with it.
Ken Brenner
Concur Bob…
Agreed. Dirty Masks are about as good as warding off evil spirits as they are at stopping a virus.
I assume you also Dont change your underwear then?? Wearing a clean mask to keep trashy entitled people from spitting all over me is NOT THAT HARD OF A CONCEPT. I know it’s a BIG concept to some of you, which makes me wonder about your hygiene in general. SMH.
VDog moron. You know darn well that most everyone at Disney has ONE mask that they wear all day long. They are filthy after an hour. But you go ahead and keep wearing your face diaper everywhere you go if you need your security blanket. News flash: nobody is wearing masks anywhere except airplanes, schools (poor kids), and of course Disney.
No probs Pops. Stay away then, we WONT miss you!
James Balderrama
Spitting on you? Really? If you want to have an adult conversation maybe start by acting like one.
Pretty sure the doctors that take care of COVID patients where a mask…should probably tell you something. Maybe they are all sheep and part of the conspiracy to oppress everyone.
We are local to WDW, and honestly it’s ridiculous that its the only park w masks at all. But there are too many big money players that want masks so therefore Disney will bow to them. What they claim to have done for the “health and safety of our guests” is raise prices, remove magic, and lose all entertainment. Bare bones operation at the moment and it shows. It is dirty there. Rides are breaking down far more than ever, and its half of what it used to be. Yes it’s Disney but it’s awful walking in and people saying “I would rather have 1/2 of Disney than no Disney at all”… ok u got it!
Lose the masks and go back to normal. But if they lose masks w out all the entertainment, people will see its not about health and safety… its the bottom line.
Yep so so true!
Actually you are wrong. It is Mayor Demungs who us bowing down to Disney about the mask. He is giving it up because DeSantis is suing Demings over the mask and vaccine mandates.
Ken Brenner
Concur Donna…
As a local myself I could not agree with you more!
As so many have said here, drop the masks mandates. They don’t work! Proof look at one of the most locked down stages, California, they have vax passports, mask mandates, and shutdowns still and their numbers are double of Florida. Florida is wide open, masks are optional and vax is optional, numbers are down. Even with all the tourists…. It’s time people have the choice!
It should also be my choice to get wasted and start driving. My body my choice.
Florida has one of the lowest rates of infections anywhere. I hope they decide to drop all mask mandates and leave it to their guests to decide if they want to wear a mask or not.
Michelle Slageter
I just don’t understand why people are upset at the thought of getting rid of the mask mandate. As a vaccinated person I should be free to not wear a mask. If they remove the mandate anyone who wants to can still wear a mask anytime they want.
Unless they’re going to start requiring proof of vaccination in lieu of masks, even though I am vaccinated, I still dont want trashy, entitled people all up in front of me spittiling all over the place. Some adults are really showing that they have no sense of boundaries and some are even doing it to pick fights. So yeah, for right now, I definitely feel safer with Disney making you wear masks in crowded areas. Even if it means that some people will “stay away”, it’s actually gonna be the kind of people who SHOULD be staying away from Disney parks. Don’t like it?? bye bye, off to”universal” with you!
Wear you mask everywhere if you feel safer. But to call other people entitled, trashy, spitting all over the place is a childish exaggeration and is hateful and rude. Wear a mask forever if you like.
You’re too”adult” to follow Disney’s rules?? No probs Pops, STAY AWAY! We WONT miss you!
Won’t be renewing our annual passes until the mandate is completely lifted.
Cool! Bye!
Chris B
Im fully vaccinated but ill still play the game with wearing a mask.
Ken Brenner
And Chris B, I respect your choice to do so.
I just don’t want them telling me I have to.
Matt J.
We have already canceled two planed family get togethers at disneyworld. I know that loosing 25 four day passes and Grand Floridian rooms are not a big deal for disneyworld, but we will not be going back until there are no more masks anywhere.
Just don’t ever go back…
Drop the mask mandate, PLEASE!! We are coming in Dec/Jan with two hearing impaired people and the masks are SO hard for us!! Let those who want to wear them continue, but let the rest of us be free!!
I and my immediate family believe in the masks. We have had 6 members of our family that did not believe in vaccinating or masks, DIE from Covid. When they were so sick, every one of them said they should have worn masks, been vaccinated, and listened to the doctors. Too late now. They will never see Disney, or the holidays with family.
I also like wearing masks because I have not had the flu or a cold in 2 years. It’s great.
We are leaving for Disney tomorrow. Hopefully masking is in place for indoors, even though my husband and I have also had our boosters, we are concerned, as we are 70. Six other members of the family are coming with us, and are all vaccinated and will wear masks. Not vaccinating or wearing masks is just dangerous. Do what you want. My dad and husband fought for just this reason, a free country, and you don’t have to listen to science, but I surely hope you do, because I don’t want anyone else to get sick or die.
Ned Ryerson
I’m sorry you lost loved ones. Sadly, we live in a world where we can not avoid sickness and death, no matter how hard we try. However, if you would take the time do any research/reading beyond cnn/msnbc, you would see that neither masking nor vaccines have had ANY efficacy in slowing the spread of Covid. Also, Covid is now endemic in the USA and the entire world, it will NEVER, go away. The good news is we now have treatments and natural immunity on our side. Will people still die, yes. But fewer each year. Your best bet is to leave the masks in the trash, exercise, eat well, and enjoy the days your have. Disney is no place for masks or mandates. You have swallowed the lie that you have control, I hope you will have the humility to recognize it. You’ll enjoy your days so much more.
Wow, what a worthy and noble kind gesture of you to tell this person who has love many to this disease that what she feels is right to protect herself and others for now at least is a total lie and trash news. … I bet you’re also the kind of “human” that believes that YOUR American way is the ONLY way, and YOUR God is the only God that matters. What a shock. SMFH.
There is only one God and it is loving and giving and kind and non judgemental. Is that not the GOD THAT YOU BELIEVE IN THEN? just wondering why you refer to God as someone else’s God? As it is the same God as yours!
You are correct. I am beginning to think that everyone believes that before 2020 no one died of sickness because it was not paraded in front of them on the news every day.
And what underlying conditions did your family have? Blaming others is wrong – No one said BAN masks. We asks it be a choice.
Ken Brenner
God Bless you Beverly in your losses.
As a veteran and age 69, I an no longer concerned about Covid.
If wearing your mask makes you feel safer, I hope you do so.
Michael Leon
Drop masks mandate please same for Disneyland too end masks too. Speaking of which open it’s a small world holiday at Disneyland when masks end.
Kevin H
Wahhh Wahhhhh,
I have to wear a mask. I can’t breathe if I wear a mask. I’m a child and I can’t be responsible and help my fellow humans get through this.
Grow Up, you people are the reason this has gone on as long as it has.
Gern Blanston
Kevin gets it!
No Kevin does NOT get it. Quite the opposite. Masks are not affective for a virus. I can give you studies if you’d like!
Sounds like you need to grow up – Grown adults can make up their own mind regarding masks.
Ken Brenner
Concur James…
Like in our heavily divided “political” society, people can no longer disagree politely.
People watching too much TV is the reason this has gone on as long as it has.
Can’t be a pandemic when the population of the world increases by 70,000,000 people in a year.
Sylvia Chandler
Let this be a choice for everyone however with that being said I will not be spending any of my money there!
First…FIRE Bob Chapek…he SUCKS as Disney’s leader. I, for one, living in Orlando will now buy season passes to SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Tampa. I have Universal passes now. Expiring end of year. WAS going to buy Disney annual passes but til they stop this mask mandate foolishness…SCREW them! I’m vaccinated and never get sick. I refuse to walk around a park all day especially over the hot, humid months in Florida.
You do realize that right now, they only require you to wear a mask inside, right? So why would you need to walk around outside with one on?
We will not go to Disneyland or Disneyworld until they lift the mask requirement. They should ask to see proof you were tested in the last 36 hours or proof of vacinne.
For a year and a half I have asked repeatedly for ANY medical study that proves mask stop viruses. Not one….ever…. There are plenty on the contrary.
Wake up from your Fauci fantasy world. They may stop you from spitting on someone, that is it.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
We are really sick of the mask and the rude cast members – Disney “Magic” is a thing of the past. We are on our last few months of our annual passes and will not renew. Masks, rude cast members, and now pay-to-play fast passes (Genie I believe it is called) make the experience nothing special.
My family and I are in the same boat. Pretty sure that we will not renew in February and take our money elsewhere.
Hello Universal!
Cases are down and Disney is the only park requiring masks. Either the vaccine works or it doesn’t. If it does, no need to worry about unmasked, unvaccinated people. Tired of the fear mongering. It’s almost 2 years now, time to move on.
Ken Brenner
100% agree.
Denise B.
The CDC does not dictate mandates to our Florida counties. All restrictions and mandates in Florida are illegal as of July 1, 2021. We all went to Legoland today and hardly anyone is even wearing masks there. The people and the states have more power than the federal government.
Denise B.
Disney World seems to have their own country and dictatorship.
Very true. So many people forget how the US Constitution is written.
Ken Brenner
Hi. First, and most importantly, we should be able to give our opinions on this subject in a “peaceful” manner.
Next, people should be able to do as they want in a “peaceful” manner.
Having said that, my opinion is, the government has provided us more than enough information in the past (almost) 2 years to make informed decisions for ourselves and our family.
I have 3 grandchildren who are nurses. It is my understanding that the only masks that are (somewhat) effective are the ones that cost $100+ (can’t remember the name). All the rest are social statements and for looks (perhaps providing some protection).
I am 69 and supposedly in the “at risk” category. I have taken both shots (1 and 2) and do not plan to take any more. I am not afraid of Covid, nor any other disease. Just trying to keep myself in good shape and take my vitamins.
Like so many others, I hope Disney relaxes the mask mandate (in any area) permanently and let people come and do as they please.
As an annual visitor (normally in February), I will NOT return until the mask mandate is removed.
But, he biggest threat to our enjoying Disney again is not Covid, but the horrible, WOKE-ridden leadership and decision makers at WDW.
They are also ruining the look of Epcot, which at one time – was a unique and beautiful theme park. Schools would take students there due to its “informational” nature. But, no more…
However, that is another subject.
I hope everyone can go when they want, and “mask” as they want (or not) without ridicule or problems.
At one time, WDW was a magical place. But the “mask debate” and very poor leadership decisions at Disney is on its way to destroying what was a wonderful, peaceful place to go – even for an old guy like me…
God Bless to you all!
Great comment. Bravo!
The only places where people wear masks are airplanes, schools (poor kids) and indoors at Disney. Everywhere else is open and free for people to choose for themselves, as it should be.
Kelly Corbin
I don’t mind the masks for myself however I think there should be exceptions for those who are medically unable or for those who are intellectually disabled and can not understand why they have to keep it on.
Any one with any intellect had read the dozens of studies that prove that masks don’t do anything to stop the transmission of a virus.
Anyone who cannot read is intellectually disabled.
Let’s hope they lift the mandate. Time to get back to normal.
Just remember, it was only two weeks to flatten the curve.
Will not return to WDW until mark !mandate is gone!
mask mandate
Bye! I’ll make sure to tell Bob.
Get rid of masks totally
I will not be returning to WDW until masks are optional. Universal Studios is mask optional and they are getting my attendance.
Vickery Leather
We are here now and the mask craziness is too much. They have empowered employees to be tyrants and many are which causes fights in line and destroys the experience. Universal’s approach is much better. We are disappointed in Disney from the masks to the terrible genie+. They have ruined the magic to be woke.
Lisa S
It was unnecessary to revert back to indoor mandates after they had already been lifted. Now that the county emergency order expired, please go back to masks optional everywhere including Disney Springs.
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