Florida Moves Into Phase 2 - Which CityWalk, Disney Springs Places Can Now Reopen

Comments for Florida Moves Into Phase 2 – Which CityWalk, Disney Springs Places Can Now Reopen

disney springs citywalk

Credit: Margaritaville/ITM Kelly C.


  1. Cindy Caine

    Just so you know this is phase 2 of Level 1 which we were supose to get 2 wks ago NOT Level 2!!! Which might take a few more months he said. So do not expect to see things in theme parks etc change or rules! This is just fyi please do not go nuts on me i know how people get easily confused and this day and age we are lucky we are even open!

  2. Dale T

    There’s caution and there’s ridiculous. Disney really dropped the ball on the “reopening” plan. Data and facts should matter more.

    1. Janie

      Disney is actually doing better than universal whom has crowd issues desantis after his speech he saw and was not happy w nor were the crowds that were told they could not make it in disney has a pt w the codes to control!

  3. Lydia

    Disney has no clue whats going on if desantis clears 75% by july/aug things will change mark my words! Why would you code people and limit people etc at 75% baffles minds! Lets all stop jumping on each other and screaming and wait this out… ps. Disney could all do us all a favor and say for the common sense impaired and say all these rules are what we proposed and subject to change!

  4. Rebel Porg

    Just spokr to AP they will not know all details till they get closer but here is what they said is correct….
    1) you will be getting a QR code link in email! This will be the only guarentee into a park.
    2) one park per day! Please note due to capacity your park or day might not be available.
    3) You must however in the 2wks you will have to select days know ALL days your going for the rest of the yr at that time and choose them.
    4) they do not know how this will affect FP+ when it returns or guest assist. The latter they know will be aloud. However they do know due to the code their will be less people are more opportunity for the virtual queue to work bc it will be functioning queuing handful of people vs millions per day (hypothetically speaking to make pt).
    I hope that helps oooo and no regular hotels at this pt just dvc! They are going for one thing at a time which makes complete sense

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