“Lion King” Producer Don Hahn Shares Speech for 2020 Graduates

in Disney

Don Hahn Graduation Message

One of the most memorable moments of a graduation ceremony is the commencement speech. That point when somebody successful or famous steps up to the podium to give the graduates some inspiring advice before they head off into the real world.

One person who loves “graduation season” for that very reason is Disney filmmaker and producer of The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast Don Hahn. Unable to stand at the podium this year, Hahn decided to compose a message of his own and share it with every person from every school who calls themselves a part of the Class of 2020.

Check it out:

This video was shared with Inside the Magic with a message that explains:

Don loves graduation season because he gets to help spread the message of creativity and chasing dreams to young minds who are embarking on the next big chapter of their lives. Since things are different this year, Don’s recorded an “essential, inspiring, motivational 2020 Commencement talk” made just for grads and their family and friends to celebrate this amazing milestone.

The legendary filmmaker’s speech is less than five minutes, and he tells the graduates, among other things, to:

  • Celebrate the Milestones
  • Be the Best “You” that You Can Be
  • Move
  • Fall in Love with Something
  • Learn Your Craft
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

In his conclusion, he states:

“Celebrate who you are. Fall in love with who you are. Go on this Odyssey which you are just beginning right now. Thank your parents for all that they’ve given you thank your family for investing in you and find out that you are a unique human being here to contribute something really fascinating to the human project.” 

While he clearly utilizes artistic examples, Don’s message stems beyond the realm of the arts and is relevant to anyone about to go out and learn their craft and contribute in their own way. Whether you are going to play the piccolo or become a physician or anything in between, discover who you are, what you are going to contribute, and fall in love and be proud of it all.

Related: INTERVIEW: Legendary producer Don Hahn discusses why he and Disney remade “Beauty and the Beast”

What do you think of Don’s message? Are you going to show this to your graduates? Let us know in the comments!

in Disney

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