Disney Parks Fans, What Was Your Perfect Disney Moment?

Comments for Disney Parks Fans, What Was Your Perfect Disney Moment?

perfect disney moment


  1. Harley

    1) Horizons
    2) all the love everyone is giving my son for his love of WDI
    3) i disliked working night shift at mk unless it was to work spectro i loved that parade so much and to feel like i was part of it doing parade shift was awesome!
    4) management training at studios as a cm
    5) the friends i made are like family

    1. Mark

      I will agree on #1 and spectro add wishes original rivers and being in doug live!

    2. Rebel Orange Bird

      1) figment
      2) horizons
      3) kit kab
      4) the friendly faces in batuu
      5) sawtu waya

      1. Harley

        I forgot swatu waya thanks for the reminder! They have been an awesome group of people towards my son and i make us always feel sp when they see us we become like friends!

  2. Darth Wistful

    1) Flat Tire
    2) Waiting in Line
    3) Price of Turkey Legs went up
    4) Getting Michael Eisner’s Autograph (No Line, nor Fastpass needed)
    5) Price of Turkey Legs went up some more

    1. Jackie

      Well you just proved your truly not a disney person or you just love sarcasm and can not take anything seriously!

      1. Jackie

        Ps. Mine are 1) all the thankless job cms that wdi and everyone whose full of magic that has the deal w us guests esp guest relations.
        2) the preformers whom take time out of their schedules to preform at epcot festivals.
        3) matinence whom work extra hard to make sure everything is magical.
        4) entertainment casts that entertain us that do not get enough love or credit.
        5) batuu

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