Just Announced: Marvel and ABC present ‘Celebrating Marvel’s Stan Lee’ TV special - Inside the Magic

Comments for Just Announced: Marvel and ABC present ‘Celebrating Marvel’s Stan Lee’ TV special

Celebrating Stan Lee

Credit: The Real Stan Lee/Esquire


  1. TimG

    Will they include Stan Lee’s daughter and family? She complained bitterly about how she was ignored by Disney when he died. Disney better handle this right, but I have my doubts.


    I always love Stan Lee because he was a good friend to everyone like me because I always love his books of Spider-man and every superheroes and I love him and Miss him alot.

  3. Greg Cole

    I love Stan Lee and plan on watching this when it comes to my home TV set via cable or whatever.

    But another website to avoid due to autoplaying videos! nothing makes me want to leave a website faster than an autoplaying video I can’t turn off.

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