WOW……..REALLY?!!! Who CARES about a Fastpass for a SHOW?!!! (I. DON’T. CARE. ABOUT. SHOWS!!) I don’t understand WHY this is happening AT ALL!!! I was under the impression that Smuggler’s Run just wouldn’t have Fastpasses available. I guess I was wrong? This BITES.
There both not having fps at first this is for later on like into next yr! But knowing wdw plans could always change and they usually do esp after opening i wouldnt jump to conclusions… i was at studios and know cms they said capacity isnt even beyond normal for opening day thanks to DLs opening and the extra space wdw.
Studios has more shows yes you may not believe this but many go to shows and the fps for em go rather quick! But this is stupid bc rnrc and tower have been off major attraction radar for a long time!
Comments for Disney’s Hollywood Studios FastPass+ tiers to change significantly
Terrible!! Ruined my whole vacation plans now for this fall!
WOW……..REALLY?!!! Who CARES about a Fastpass for a SHOW?!!! (I. DON’T. CARE. ABOUT. SHOWS!!) I don’t understand WHY this is happening AT ALL!!! I was under the impression that Smuggler’s Run just wouldn’t have Fastpasses available. I guess I was wrong? This BITES.
Millennium falcon is not having fast pass. And to be honest, the less fast passes offered, the shorter the lines may be anyway.
There both not having fps at first this is for later on like into next yr! But knowing wdw plans could always change and they usually do esp after opening i wouldnt jump to conclusions… i was at studios and know cms they said capacity isnt even beyond normal for opening day thanks to DLs opening and the extra space wdw.
Studios has more shows yes you may not believe this but many go to shows and the fps for em go rather quick! But this is stupid bc rnrc and tower have been off major attraction radar for a long time!
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