For many years now, Disneyland guests have gotten used to the act of having their hands stamped as they exit the park gate, especially if they plan on returning later in the day. The stamps, in conjunction with tickets, allowed guests reentry into the park on the same day after being viewed under a black light and were changed daily to reflect a new character or phrase from Disney’s many intellectual properties.
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Now, as first reported by our friends at the Orange County Register, the famed reentry hand-stamps have become a thing of the past. Disneyland’s new policy (along with sister theme park Disney California Adventure) will involve taking a photo of every guest who enters the park, which will then be tied to their admission ticket in the Disneyland Resort computer system, eliminating the need for the stamps.
As Disneyland regulars are already aware, the process of taking these photos (which was already in place for multi-day tickets and Annual Passholders at the resort) can slow down the entrance lines at both parks. Perhaps Disneyland should explore adding a “first-time entry” queue for those who would require having their photos taken.
Either way, this change means the end to a long tradition at Disneyland, where many guests would request a hand stamp even if their level of admission did not require one. Like it or lump it, it’s yet another step in the sixty-plus-year evolution of one of the most famous and beloved theme parks in the world.