“Mystery Science Theater 3000” announces return date during fantastic fan premiere in Los Angeles

in Movies & TV, Television

Image Copyright MST3K / Netflix

Last night in Hollywood, California, the cult comedy television show “Mystery Science Theater 3000” held a grand premiere of its new season for its Kickstarter backers, attended by the cast and crew of the show.

At the end of the screening, series creator Joel Hodsgon announced to the audience the date for MST3K’s debut on Netflix: April 14th.

The streaming service’s official Twitter account shared the news immediately after, as well:

As an MST3K Kickstarter backer, I was personally fortunate enough to attend last night’s screening, and while I’m NDA-bound and legally prohibited from revealing the title of the movie that’s riffed in the first installment of the new season – or really anything at all about the episode – I can say that I had a lot of fun!

And I’m definitely looking forward to April 14th.


in Movies & TV, Television

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