Disney keeps cooking up new and fascinating ideas involving the use of drones at their theme parks, this time in the form of a patent which would allow them to incorporate special effects such as confetti and pyrotechnics to dazzle guests.
The patent, creatively named “Air Delivered Special Effects” is detailed by the Orlando Business Journal as a “flight mechanism that propels [a] discharge platform through the air. The discharge platform also comprises of a storage apparatus that stores a special effect device such as pyrotechnics, confetti [and] smoke charges.” It could also be used for water or artificial snow effects.
The flying device can not only be a drone but also a balloon, helicopter, or a remote controlled airplane and the possibilities with this technology are virtually limitless as it could be used in a variety of shows and events at the Disney Parks.

According to the Orlando Business Journal, Disney outlines their vision in the patent application.
Typical aerial firework launch systems take up a significant area such that fewer audience members can be included in a show and audience members are positioned at locations that may limit sight lines and the like in a way that limits the excitement of the audience members. A special effects delivery configuration is needed to deliver special effects in a manner that is safe for audience members of an entertainment experience, but also close enough to provide great sight lines and excitement for audience members.
Disney has been exploring the usage of drones to enhance the theme park experience recently, including a patent filed for a Star Wars-like interactive laser display and also requesting permission from the FAA to fly drones over Disneyland and Walt Disney World to assist with live shows.
As with any patent, there’s no guarantee any of the proposed technology will make its way to the Disney Parks in the near future or at all, but it’s still fun to imagine the possibilities.