Harry Potter stars to appear in Universal Orlando 'Celebration' event following Wizarding World expansion announcements

Comments for Harry Potter stars to appear in Universal Orlando ‘Celebration’ event following Wizarding World expansion announcements


  1. Jeff Lynch

    I never knew they were really twins. I thought that it was one actor who played both roles, George and Fred.

  2. Sam

    Why don’t we have official Harry Potter events like this in the UK

  3. Susan Shinkai

    There is also an “exclusive” event on Saturday Night open only to those who purchased the package. I’m going but I don’t really know what will happen. If it’s anything like the last event, they’ll have a red carpet for the guests so we can get photo and autographs. We also had a performance by the Hogwarts choir and fireworks. Looking forward to it whatever it turns out to be. I certain butterbeer will be involved.

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