Disneyland reveals Cars Land street entertainment to include Red the Fire Truck and DJ dance party

Comments for Disneyland reveals Cars Land street entertainment to include Red the Fire Truck and DJ dance party


  1. Jeff Lynch

    It’s funny — but I have a hard time with getting wet in public and being sprayed by things. Sometimes I wish I had a different personality, but I only like getting wet at water parks like Typhoon Lagoon. I don’t have a strong desire to go to a parade that will spray water at me. Maybe I got old or something. I am not a fan of Splash Mountain in the parks because it just gets too wet at the end. If I was in a bathing suit, it would be one thing, but I’m always so scared my phone will short out and I never seem to have the extra money to replace it if that would happen. So, parade that shoots water at people equals big time angst for me.

    1. T I

      It doesnt look like the patrons will be getting wet unless they are pulled in.. looks to me like it’s the dancers that are part of the parade…

  2. eric you

    disneyland gets better every year the rides shows and attractions always go ahead of most entertainment companies.

  3. FS

    Sounds great. The water show should be very popular this summer.

  4. Brian

    This looks dreadful!

    1. FS

      Internet, thy name is negativity.

  5. FS

    By the way, in case anyone was wondering, the DJ character is not new. He appeared in the Cars film.

  6. Brian

    Not negativity, honesty.

  7. Chris

    I feel like Disneyland has alot more street entertainment parties then Disney World

  8. Sadjoe

    Sounds great but I would worry about all my cameras getting wet more so than me!

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