Inside the Walt Disney Archives - Celebrating 40 years with chief archivist Dave Smith

Comments for Inside the Walt Disney Archives – Celebrating 40 years with chief archivist Dave Smith


  1. Thanks or an interesting article.
    I wonder if Dave has any items in the Disney archives that reflect what some people call “Disney’s Dream.” (The original EPCOT plan of a real functioning city.)

    Wouldn’t it be great to know that two superb visionaries like steve jobs and Walt Disney might fuse their separate visions into one fantastic creative Dream that includes all of us, and that could now be made into a reality?

  2. Adam Wackett

    I have always been fascinated by the history of disney. Would anyone know if there were any job opportunities or training schemes to work at the disney archives? If there is could you please let me know thanks 😀

  3. Daniel Bryant

    I want know about any job opportunities as well. Thank you.

  4. Robert Briggs

    Looking for a contact in Archives who may be interested in WWII Disney Art.

  5. Steve Tisherman

    I am a retired voice agent in Los Angeles and am interested in speaking to Dave Smith and/or Rebecca Cline in Archives to discuss myself with them in the Archive World. Your cooperation will be sincerely appreciated.

    Steve Tisherman

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