ParkSpotting at Magic Kingdom – May 15, 2010: Nighttime in Tomorrowland and Beyond

Comments for ParkSpotting at Magic Kingdom – May 15, 2010: Nighttime in Tomorrowland and Beyond


  1. Doug Weaver

    Outstanding, Ricky.
    These park spotting posts are very enjoyable.
    Thanks for the effort!

  2. Y’know why there were so many ppl there? It was the d23 fireworks and flower festival event. I’m pretty sure that’s the night they previewed the summer nightastic fireworks for the event attendees. thanks for these little moments!

    1. Ricky Brigante

      While that was one of the nights for the D23 Flowers and Fireworks event, the Summer Nightastic fireworks show was not shown as part of it. Attendees at the event did watch Wishes that night, but not from within the Magic Kingdom.

      Here’s the official description of that event:

  3. Chris Morgan

    I bought a mini-tripod for £1, and got some incredible night shots at Disneyland last year. It went on top of surfaces (they didn’t need to be flat, just steady), also cutting out part of the rail/trash can/etc that inevitably gets into the image!

  4. Peter

    Great as always! I’m excited to see the AK Edition.

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