As promised with his recent Disney commercial, the newest “American Idol” winner Lee DeWyze appeared on May 31, 2010 in Disney’s Hollywood Studios theme park at Walt Disney World.
He arrived via a motorcade with Mickey Mouse, signed autographs, posed for photos with fans, and answered some questions on stage. Unfortunately, he did not entertain the crowd by singing, which seemed a bit odd, though he may have been trying to save his voice while being part of an ongoing nationwide press tour.
Here’s a video of his appearance today outside the American Idol Experience attraction:
DeWyze also offered advice inside the Idol attraction to the first three contestants (park guests) of the day and helped announced the winner of that show. Here’s a video of him on stage in the attraction:
Throughout today’s event, it was clear that DeWyze is still getting used to his newfound fame. He seemed quite overwhelmed by the fact that he was a special guest in a Walt Disney World motorcade with excited fans eager to meet him. I’m sure in time he’ll grow into his role as the newest “American Idol” as he tours with his fellow finalists this summer.