“Star Wars,” “Barbie,” “He-Man,” “G.I. Joe.” The first four episodes of Netflix‘s documentary series “The Toys That Made Us” are currently available on the popular streaming platform, and as a child of the 80s I can’t recommend them enough. The second half of the first season (with episodes focused on “LEGO,” “Transformers,” “Hello Kitty,” and “Star Trek”) is set to debut soon, and on top of that Netflix has now renewed the highly-talked-about show for another season.
In a batch of series renewals announced today (including “One Day at a Time,” “Queer Eye,” and “Nailed It!”) Netflix included “The Toys That Made Us,” created and executive produced by Brian Volk-Weiss, producer and distributor of many one-hour comedy specials. The first episodes premiered in December, with more on the way within the next few months on Netflix. No word yet on which franchise will be covered in season two, but we’re crossing our fingers for “Ghostbusters,” Disney, and maybe an episode about the rise and fall of Toys ‘R’ Us.