I’ve been into both video games and comedy my whole life, so naturally I was thrilled when “South Park” creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone became directly involved in the development of the video games based on their own TV series. 2014’s “The Stick of Truth” was a hilarious and endlessly fun adventure in the “South Park” universe we’ve come to know and love.
Now Matt and Trey are teaming up with Ubisoft once again to bring us a sequel to “The Stick of Truth” entitled “South Park: The Fractured But Whole,” this time focusing on a superhero theme, as opposed to the medieval fantasy RPG of the first game.
At E3 2016 this week I had the unique and very fortunate opportunity to speak with “The Fractured But Whole” Lead Designer Ken Strickland, who clued me in on the game’s new combat system, the self-seriousness of superheroes, and what it’s like working closely with Matt and Trey.
You can also check out the gallery of images from the incredibly cool and detailed “Coon and Friends” museum that Ubisoft had set up on the Expo’s main show floor:
“South Park: The Fractured But Whole” will hit stores on December 6th for XBox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.