Halloween Horror Nights XX premiered on Sept. 24, beginning “a new era of darkness” for the popular annual Universal Orlando Halloween time event. Helping to oversee the creation of its eight original haunted houses this year was show director Patrick Braillard.
To find out more about how the creative team integrated characters and ideas from the past 20 years with all-new ideas that pave the way for the future, I spoke with Braillard on opening night, just as the terror began on the nearby Universal Studios streets:
(This interview is also available in audio format in Show 286 of the Inside the Magic podcast.)
Want to know more about Halloween Horror Nights? You can ask your own questions as Universal Orlando is hosting an official online Q&A with Patrick Braillard today on Facebook beginning at 4:00 pm ET today (September 28).
Our Halloween Horror Nights XX interview video series will continue tomorrow with Universal Orlando show director Mike Aiello.
In the meantime, don’t miss all of our Halloween 2010 coverage, including a full event review of Halloween Horror Nights XX, video from its scare zones, and more behind-the-scenes details.